Publish data to the production database

To publish data from the staging or authoring database to the production database:


  1. Use the staging propagation (stagingprop) utility to publish data from the staging or authoring database to the production database:


    See Examples of propagating data to the production database.

  2. If we are publishing a store at the staging environment, complete the following steps to insert the necessary access control policy group records into the Production database.

    1. Get the orgentity_id that owns the store by finding the member_id.

        SELECT member_id from storeent where identifier = 'storeIdentifier';

      Where storeIdentifier is the identifier for the store, such as Aurora. This identifier is stored in the IDENTIFIER column of the STOREENT database table.

    2. Use the member_id to get the access control policy group IDs that our organization subscribes to in staging database.

        SELECT acpolgrp_id from acplgpsubs where orgentity_id = member_id_from_above;

    3. For each row that is returned in 2.b, complete the following INSERT into the production database.

        INSERT into acplgpsubs (orgentity_id, acpolgrp_id) values (member_id_from_above, acpolgrp_id_from_above); 

    Note: We must also manually insert any custom policies.

  3. Optional: If you published marketing activities, update the marketing registry.

    • Provide database triggers that we can add to automatically update the marketing registry (CampaignInitiativeCache) after you run the stagingprop command.

  4. Optional: If you published promotions data, update the promotions registry.

    • Provide database triggers that we can add to automatically update the promotions registries (PromotionRegistry, PromotionPolicyRegistry, and PromotionGroupRegistry) after you run the staging propagation utility command.

Related concepts
Staging environment

Related tasks
Configure databases for use with the staging utilities
Updating registry components
Filtering data for the stagingprop utility to propagate

Related reference
stagingprop utility
stagingcopy utility
Examples of propagating data to the production database