Enable IBM Customer Service for WebSphere Commerce

IBM Customer Service for WebSphere Commerce is enabled by default in the Aurora B2C and Aurora B2B stores. We can enable and disable it using the Store Management tool in Management Center.


  1. Open the Store Management tool.

  2. In the explorer view, click Stores.

  3. Right-click the store to enable IBM Customer Service for WebSphere Commerce. Then, click Open.

    The available store functions for the store are displayed in separate tabs beside the Store Properties tab. Click the Configurations tab.

  4. Select the IBM Customer Service for WebSphere Commerce check box. Click Save. Then, click Close.

  5. If the store uses the cachespec.xml file for configuring cacheable objects, add the cache entry for IBM Customer Service for WebSphere Commerce.

  6. Edit...

    ...and add the following code to the file:

      <component id="DC_isOnBehalfOf" type="attribute">    

  7. Grant user roles