Extreme Scale monitoring



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Using the eXtreme Scale web console

The WebSphere eXtreme Scale web console is primarily used for sizing and performance related information.

The web console user interface supports the following web browsers:

The WebSphere eXtreme Scale web console comes with the stand-alone installation of WebSphere eXtreme Scale. Because the console is new in version 7.1, we will briefly cover the steps to get it up and running:

  1. Start the web console...


  2. Enter the console URL in a web browser:


  3. Log in with the user name and password admin. This password can be changed later from the console after the first login.

  4. Configure the web console to use your catalog servers. In the console, click...

    Settings | eXtreme Scale Catalog Servers

    ...and add the catalog server...

    Host Name: think
    JMX Port: 2809
    Listener Port: 2809

    There is a slight difference in configuring a stand-alone catalog server and an embedded catalog server on the console.

    • Standalone catalog server

      For stand-alone servers, the default JMX port for the catalog server is 1099. These settings can be changed by passing the parameters -JMXServicePort and -listenerPort during the startup of the catalog server. See Section 4.2.2, Starting a catalog server on a stand-alone installation for more information about starting the catalog server.

    • Embedded catalog server

      A catalog server can run in a WAS process, and is typically placed in a Deployment Manager or Node Agent. For a catalog server hosted in WAS, the JMX Port and Listener Port are the bootstrap port of the catalog server process. (The Deployment Manager defaults to 9809 and the Node Agents default to 2809).

  5. In the console, click Settings ÆeXtreme Scale Domains and create a new catalog service domain. Provide an arbitrary name and include the catalog server you created previously.

    If the console doesn't connect to a catalog server, check the connectivity on the port. If it continues to fail to connect, restart the console from the command line using the following command:


  6. View the reports on the monitoring tab. Figure 3-15 shows a Sample Grid Usage View from the web console.

Monitoring with xsadmin

The xsadmin tool queries the runtime deployment configuration to...

If you run $WAS_HOME/bin/xsadmin without any parameters, you are provided with a list of options for the operations you can perform and parameters for providing non-default connectivity options. Because you are running the catalog server in the deployment manager with default ports, provide the -dmgr parameter.

List running grids

xsadmin -dmgr -l

Show hosts and location of primary and replica partitions

xsadmin -dmgr -containers

List running partitions with number of entries and used heap in KB

xsadmin -dmgr -mapsizes


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