5.1 When to use eXtreme Scale with Portal
WebSphere eXtreme Scale can serve as an efficient application state store for customer written portlets that make heavy use of session data. eXtreme Scale can be used to offload HTTP sessions to the grid which otherwise are stored and persisted either in memory or in a shared database.
Placing session data in an eXtreme Scale grid has the following benefits:
Response times are reduced, increasing the throughput of the application
Replication across the grid provides high availability
Write-behind caching allows for more persistent storage, when required
Move session replication off of the database reduces load on the database
If replicated sessions are currently being held in the JVM memory, then introducing eXtreme Scale frees up the JVM heap for other application data
Another advantage WebSphere eXtreme Scale offers is the zone-based support for data grids. This support provides high availability across physical locations by redundant placement of data. Traditionally, such enterprise computing environments were limited due to the performance constraints imposed by networks and real time data replication requirements. With zone support, only the metadata shared by the catalog servers is synchronously replicated. For details of zone support in eXtreme Scale, see 3.5, Zone support.