The WebSphere eXtreme Scale web console
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The WebSphere eXtreme Scale web console

The WebSphere eXtreme Scale web console is a new feature with version 7.1. It is primarily used for sizing and performance related information. At the time of this writing, the web console is not installed when you install eXtreme Scale on WAS. Rather, it is only installed with a stand-alone version. The reason for this is that the data is typically accessible through the Performance Viewer in the administrative console.

However, if using the web console with WebSphere Commerce, simply perform a stand-alone installation of eXtreme Scale and you can use the console. Use the copy in the stand-alone installation to monitor an eXtreme Scale grid hosted on WAS or a stand-alone grid.

For information about using the web console, see 3.8.1, Using the eXtreme Scale web console.


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