Administration guide > Troubleshoot > Messages
CWSPT: WebSphere eXtreme Scale messages for the stream query component
When you encounter a message in a log or other parts of the product interface, look up the message by its message ID to find out more information.
- CWSPT0001E
SHOULD_NOT_OCCUR_REPORT_TO_DEVELOPER=CWSPT0001E: Should not occur: report to developer; message= {0}
- CWSPT0004E
CANNOT_CREATE_SOFT_CHECKPOINTING_LOG_FOR_TRANSFORM=CWSPT0004E: Cannot create soft checkpointing log for transform: {0} : {1}
- CWSPT0005E
LOGGING_ERROR_EXCEPTION_RAISED=CWSPT0005E: Logging error. Exception raised: {0}
- CWSPT0006E
NO_BUFFERED_LOG_MESSAGE=CWSPT0006E: There is no buffered log message in the topic. The local log index is {0}.
- CWSPT0007E
MSG_LOGGING_TURNED_OFF=CWSPT0007E: Msg logging turned off
- CWSPT0008E
CANNOT_REPLAY_MESSAGE=CWSPT0008E: Cannot replay msg from {0} to {1} because {2}
- CWSPT0009E
CANNOT_SET_HOST_SERVICES=CWSPT0009E: Cannot set host services: {0}
- CWSPT0010W
NO_AUX_INFO=CWSPT0010W: The dummy Soft Checkpointing service could not find auxilliary information for a transform
- CWSPT0011W
CANNOT_RECLAIM_SC_LOG_OF_TRANSFORM=CWSPT0011W: Cannot reclaim Soft Checkpointing log of transform with ID {0}. The exception mesage is {1}.
- CWSPT0012W
CANNOT_PUT_SOFT_CHECKPOINT_RECORDS=CWSPT0012W: Cannot put soft checkpointing log records! {0}
- CWSPT0013W
SMILETIMER_REQUESTTIMEOUT_RAISED_EXCEPTION=CWSPT0013W: Exception encountered when scheduling a timer with interval {0}. The exception message is {1}.
- CWSPT0014W
CANNOT_FIND_WRAPPER_MAKER_FOR_TOPIC=CWSPT0014W: Severe Runtime error: "Cannot find wrapper maker for topic {0}, methodID {1}"
- CWSPT0015I
RECOVERING_TRANSFORM=CWSPT0015I: Recovering transform {0}.
- CWSPT0103E
INSTANTIATION_EXCEPTION=CWSPT0103E: Class: {0} can not be instantiated.
- CWSPT0104E
ILLEGALACCESS_EXCEPTION=CWSPT0104E: Class: {0} can not be instantiated due to IllegalAccessException exception.
- CWSPT0105E
CLASSNOTFOUND_EXCEPTION=CWSPT0105E: Class: {0} can not be found.
- CWSPT0106E
MALFORMEDURL_EXCEPTION=CWSPT0106E: Class: {0} can not be instantiated due to a malformed URL.
- CWSPT0108E
VIEW_NOT_FOUND=CWSPT0108E: View: {0} can not be retrieved.
- CWSPT0112I
DELETION_SUCCEED=CWSPT0112I: Deployed jar files or directory {0} have been successfully deleted.
- CWSPT0113I
DELETION_FAIL=CWSPT0113I: Deletion of the deployed jar files or directory {0} failed.
- CWSPT0201E
CLASSCAST_EXCEPTION=CWSPT0201E: Connecting to server through RMI, The code: {0} is not a valid script. Exception: {1}.
- CWSPT0202E
CLASSNOTFOUND_EXCEPTION=CWSPT0202E: Connecting to server through RMI, Class: {0} can not be found. Exception: {1}.
- CWSPT0203E
ILLEGALACCESS_EXCEPTION=CWSPT0203E: Connecting to server through RMI, Class: {0} can not be instantiated due to IllegalAccessException exception. Exception: {1}.
- CWSPT0204E
INSTANTIATION_EXCEPTION=CWSPT0204E: Connecting to server through RMI, Class: {0} can not be instantiated. Exception: {1}.
- CWSPT0205E
REMOTE_EXCEPTION=CWSPT0205E: Class: {0} fails during the execution of a remote method call. Exception: {1}.
- CWSPT0206E
NOT_BOUND_EXCEPTION=CWSPT0206E: URL: {0} can not be be looked up. Exception: {1}.
- CWSPT0207E
MALFORMEDURL_EXCEPTION=CWSPT0207E: Class: {0} can not be instantiated due to a malformed URL. Exception: {1}.
- CWSPT0208E
NUM_OF_VALUES_MISMATCH_WITH_NUM_OF_COLUMNS=CWSPT0208E: The number of values {0} does not match with that of columns: {1}.
- CWSPT0209E
COLUMN_VALUE_MISMATCH_COLUMN_TYPE=CWSPT0209E: The column value {0} at position {1} does not match with the type {2} of the corresponding column {3}.
- CWSPT0210E
NO_SUCH_INTEGER_VALUE=CWSPT0210E: There is no such integer value at position: {0}.
- CWSPT0211E
NO_SUCH_FLOAT_VALUE=CWSPT0211E: There is no such float value at position: {0}.
- CWSPT0212E
NOT_SUCH_COLUMN_NAME=CWSPT0212E: There is no such a column with a name: {0}.
- CWSPT0213E
NO_SUCH_LONG_VALUE=CWSPT0213E: There is no such long value at position: {0}.
- CWSPT0214E
NO_SUCH_BOOLEAN_VALUE=CWSPT0214E: There is no such boolean value at position: {0}.
- CWSPT0215E
NO_SUCH_STRING_VALUE=CWSPT0215E: There is no such string value at position: {0}.
- CWSPT0301E
UNKNOWNHOST_EXCEPTION=CWSPT0301E: DownstreamBBConnection failed because of UnknownHostException with hostname {0}. Exception: {1}.
- CWSPT0302E
IO_EXCEPTION=CWSPT0302E: DownstreamBBConnection failed because an I/O exception of some sort has occurred with hostname {0}. Exception: {1}.
- CWSPT0303E
IO_EXCEPTION_2=CWSPT0303E: DownstreamBBConnection: write failed because an I/O exception of some sort has occurred with hostname {0}. Exception: {1}. Retrying.
- CWSPT0304E
IO_EXCEPTION_3=CWSPT0304E: DownstreamBBConnection: cannot close because an I/O exception of some sort has occurred with hostname {0}. Exception: {1}. Retrying.
- CWSPT0305E
ALREADY_BOUND_EXCEPTION=CWSPT0305E: Cannot set host services: Exception: {0}.
- CWSPT0306E
RUNTIME_EXCEPTION=CWSPT0306E: LocalClientConnection caught exception: Exception: {0}.
- CWSPT0307E
IO_EXCEPTION_4=CWSPT0307E: Listener start() caught exception with a broker name {0} and port {1}. Exception: {2}.
- CWSPT0308E
BROKERTOHOST_NULL=CWSPT0308E: Broker-to-Host map is null and it is not a multi-broker setup.
- CWSPT0309E
UNDEFINED_HOSTNAME=CWSPT0309E: The host name for broker {0} cannot be found.
- CWSPT0310E
BROKERTOPORT_NULL=CWSPT0310E: The Broker to port mapping is not initialized.
- CWSPT0311E
UNDEFINED_PORT=CWSPT0311E: The port number for broker {0} is not defined.
- CWSPT0312E
GENERAL_EXCEPTION=CWSPT0312E: Caught Exception: {0}.
- CWSPT0313E
GRAPH_BUILD_FAILED_EXCEPTION=CWSPT0313E: An exception is encountered when loading the graph: {0}.
- CWSPT0315E
DUPLICATE_NAME_EXCEPTION=CWSPT0315E: Cannot set host services because of deuplicated names. The exception message is {0}.
- CWSPT0501E
RELATION_NOT_EXIST=CWSPT0501E: The view name: {0} is not found.
- CWSPT0502E
RELATION_EXIST=CWSPT0502E: The relation or table: {0} exists.
- CWSPT0503E
VIEW_OR_RELATION_EXIST=CWSPT0503E: The view or relation: {0} around line : {1} exists.
- CWSPT0504E
TABLE_NOT_EXIST_IN_FROM_CLAUSE=CWSPT0504E: The view: {0} referred around line : {1} does not exist in FROM clause.
- CWSPT0505E
TABLE_IN_FROM_CLAUSE_NOT_EXIST=CWSPT0505E: The table: {0} referred around line : {1} in FROM clause does not exist.
- CWSPT0506E
COLUMN_NOT_EXIST_IN_A_TABLE=CWSPT0506E: The column: {0} referred to around line : {1} does not exist in the view with a name or alias: {2}.
- CWSPT0507E
COLUMN_NOT_EXIST_IN_BOTH_TABLES=CWSPT0507E: The column: {0} referred does not exist in both relations: {1} and {2} around line : {3}.
- CWSPT0508E
COLUMN_NOT_EXIST_IN_ANY_TABLE=CWSPT0508E: The column: {0} referred around line : {1} does not exist in any view.
- CWSPT0509E
COLUMN_REF_AMBIGUITY=CWSPT0509E: The column: {0} referred to around line : {1} is ambiguous in the current context.
- CWSPT0510E
NOT_A_STREAM=CWSPT0510E: The name {0} does not refer to a stream.
- CWSPT0511E
NOT_A_VIEW=CWSPT0511E: The name {0} does not refer to a derived view.
- CWSPT0512E
NO_TOPOLOGY_PROVIDED=CWSPT0512E: No brokers are provided for deployment.
- CWSPT0513E
NO_VIEW_PROVIDED=CWSPT0513E: No views are provided for deployment.
- CWSPT0514E
RELATION_OR_VIEW_USED=CWSPT0514E: The relation or view: {0} is referenced by other views.
- CWSPT0515E
INVALID_SELETCTED_ITEMS=CWSPT0515E: The view: {0} contains an invalid expression in selection list after name resolution: {1} with either wild card (*) or fully-qualified column name without a correlation name around line : {2}.
- CWSPT0516E
LOWER_BOUND_GREATER_THAN_UPPERBOUND=CWSPT0516E: The lower bound: {0} is greater than the upper bound: {1} around line : {2}.
- CWSPT0517E
LOWER_BOUND_SMALLER_THAN_LIMIT=CWSPT0517E: The lower bound: {0} is smaller than the lower bound limit of the type: {1} around line : {2}.
- CWSPT0518E
UPPER_BOUND_GREATER_THAN_LIMIT=CWSPT0518E: The upper bound: {0} is greater than the upper bound limit of the type: {1} around line : {2}.
- CWSPT0519E
NAME_EXIST=CWSPT0519E: The name: {0} exists and it can not be used again in the same query.
- CWSPT0551E
NOT_SMILE_MESSAGE=CWSPT0551E: This is not a message with a type of either PublishedMessage or SubscribedMessage.
- CWSPT0552E
NOT_SUCH_KEY_COLUMN_NAME=CWSPT0552E: There is no such a key column with a name: {0} in a view: {1}.
- CWSPT0553E
NOT_SUCH_KEY_COLUMN_INDEX=CWSPT0553E: There is no such a key column with an index: {0} in a view: {1}.
- CWSPT0554E
NOT_SUCH_NON_KEY_COLUMN_NAME=CWSPT0554E: There is no such a non-key column with a name: {0} in a view: {1}.
- CWSPT0555E
NOT_SUCH_NON_KEY_COLUMN_INDEX=CWSPT0555E: There is no such a non-key column with an index: {0} in a view: {1}.
- CWSPT0556E
VIEW_NAME_WRONG=CWSPT0556E: The view name {0} in the message is either null, empty, or wrong.
- CWSPT0557E
KEY_COLUMN_NOT_EXIST=CWSPT0557E: The key column {0} in the view {1} did not get set up.
- CWSPT0558E
BROKER_EXIST=CWSPT0558E: A broker with name {0} has already existed.
- CWSPT0559E
VIEW_NOT_DEPLOYED=CWSPT0559E: The view with name {0} has not been deployed.
- CWSPT0601E
APPLYASPECT_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION=CWSPT0601E: applyAspect() caught exception: {0}
- CWSPT0602E
UNSUPPORTED_STATEMENT=CWSPT0602E: The statement {0} is not supported by SMILE SQL.
- CWSPT0611E
COMPILE_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION=CWSPT0611E: "compile()" caught exception: {0}
- CWSPT0612E
CHECKTYPEANDSET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION=CWSPT0612E: "checkTypeAndSet()" caught exception {0}
- CWSPT0613E
FATAL_ERROR_DURING_PLACEMENT=CWSPT0613E: Fatal error during placement. Exception = {0}
- CWSPT0614E
INCOMPATIBLE_TYPES_ARE_COMPARED=CWSPT0614E: Incompatible types are compared: {0}
- CWSPT0615E
FAILED_TO_PERFORM_JOIN_OPERATION=CWSPT0615E: Fatal error: "Failed to perform join operation : {0}"
- CWSPT0616E
COULDNT_LOAD_UNITS_FILE=CWSPT0616E: Fatal error: "Could not load units file: {0}"
- CWSPT0618E
MMPL_COMPILE_EXCEPTION=CWSPT0618E: Fatal error: "mmpl compile exception: {0}"
- CWSPT0619E
UNKNOWN_ERROR_CYCLICAL_DEPENDENCY_DETECTED=CWSPT0619E: Compiler Error. "Cyclical dependency detected."
- CWSPT0620E
SYNTAX_ERROR_IN_SQL_INPUT_FILE=CWSPT0620E: There is a syntax error: {0}
- CWSPT0621E
EXCEPTION_CAUGHT=CWSPT0621E: Fatal error. Exception caught: {0}
- CWSPT0622E
FATAL_ERROR_ENCOUNTERED_RUNNING_PLACEMENT_SERVICE=CWSPT0622E: There is a fatal error encountered when running the placement service: {0}
- CWSPT0623E
RELATION_NOT_EXISTEXCEPTION=CWSPT0623E: Fatal error: "The stream or view does not exist: {0}"
- CWSPT0624W
CANNOT_FIND_FIELD_AT_INDEX=CWSPT0624W: Fatal error: "The field with index {0} cannot be found."
- CWSPT0626W
STATELESS_TRANSFORM_TIMEOUT_COUNTER_GREATER_THAN_ZERO=CWSPT0626W: Fatal error: "Stateless transform timeout counter: {0} > 0"
- CWSPT0630W
CANNOT_FULLY_ERASE=CWSPT0630W: Cannot fully erase the directory {0} : {1}
- CWSPT0633I
GETHASHTABLESIGNATURESTRRAW_HASHTABLE_IS_NULL=CWSPT0633I: Fatal error: "getHashTableSignatureStrRaw() hashTable is null"
- CWSPT0634W
- CWSPT0641I
PLACEMENTSERVICE_CREATED=CWSPT0641I: "PlacementService created"
- CWSPT0642E
- CWSPT0643E
LINK_PLACEMENT_FAILED=CWSPT0643E: Link placement failed.
- CWSPT0645I
CURRENT_DIRECTORY=CWSPT0645I: The smile repository directory is {0}
- CWSPT0750E
FEWER_THAN_TWO_JOIN=CWSPT0750E: Severe Error: "Query rewriter generated a join with fewer than 2 operands".
- CWSPT0751E
INCOMPATIBLE_MERGE=CWSPT0751E: Error: Merged relations have incompatible maps.
- CWSPT0752E
INCONSISTENT_COMBINE=CWSPT0752E: Severe Error: Query rewriter detected compiler error in COMBINE at MMPL line {0} position {1}.
- CWSPT0753E
MISMATCHED_RENAMES=CWSPT0753E: Severe Error: Query rewriter detected compile error in COMBINE at MMPL line {0} position {1}.
- CWSPT0754E
TWO_MAPS_SHARE_KEY=CWSPT0754E: Severe Error: Query rewriter detected compile error in JOIN.
- CWSPT0755E
MISSING_ACTION=CWSPT0755E: Severe Error: "Query rewriter could not find action for column named {0}".
- CWSPT0756E
MULTIPLE_MAPS_CONTAIN_COLUMNS=CWSPT0756E: Severe Error: "Query rewriter found same set of columns in multiple maps."
- CWSPT0757E
COMBINE_NON_INTEGER=CWSPT0757E: Columns {2} and {3} in view {4} cannot be combined into an integer type.
- CWSPT0758E
COMBINE_KEY_AND_NONKEY=CWSPT0758E: Columns {2} and {3} in view {4} cannot be combined.
- CWSPT0759E
COMBINE_GENERATES_DUPLICATE=CWSPT0759E: Operation {2} in relation {4} generates a duplicate column {3} near line {0} position {1}.
- CWSPT0760E
DUPLICATE_JOIN_COLUMN=CWSPT0760E: Operation {2} in relation {4} has a column {3} appearing in both operands but not merged, near line {0} position {1}.
- CWSPT0761E
DUPLICATE_RELATION=CWSPT0761E: Statement redefines a view named {3} near line {0} position {1}.
- CWSPT0762E
RENAME_GENERATES_DUPLICATE=CWSPT0762E: Renaming a column {3} in view {4} generates a duplicate name.
- CWSPT0763E
SPLIT_GENERATES_DUPLICATE=CWSPT0763E: Splitting a column generates a duplicate column name {3}.
- CWSPT0764E
MERGE_NON_TIMED=CWSPT0764E: Merge of non-time-keyed views.
- CWSPT0765E
MERGE_INCOMPATIBLE_SCHEMAS=CWSPT0765E: Attempt to merge views with incompatible schemas.
- CWSPT0766E
SELF_MERGE_ERROR=CWSPT0766E: Attempt to merge view {2} with itself.
- CWSPT0767E
NOT_SPLITTABLE_COLUMN=CWSPT0767E: Cannot split column {3} in view {2}.
- CWSPT0768E
MMPL_SYNTAX_EXCEPTION=CWSPT0768E: Syntax exception in MMPL. Unexpected token is {2}.
- CWSPT0769E
SQL_SYNTAX_EXCEPTION=CWSPT0769E: Syntax exception in SQL query. Unexpected token is {2}.
- CWSPT0770E
NO_TIME_COLUMN=CWSPT0770E: No time column generated for stream {2}.
- CWSPT0771E
CANNOT_RESOLVE_COLUMN_NAME=CWSPT0771E: Reference to an undefined column {2} in view {3}.
- CWSPT0772E
CANNOT_RESOLVE_MERGED_COLUMN_NAME=CWSPT0772E: Reference to an undefined JOIN USING column {2} in view {3}
- CWSPT0773E
UNDEFINED_VIEW_NAME_IN_SUBSCRIPTION=CWSPT0773E: An MMPL Subscription statement refers to an undefined view {2}.
- CWSPT0774E
UNDEFINED_REFERENCE_IN_ALIAS=CWSPT0774E: An MMPL Assignment statement refers to an undefined view {2}.
- CWSPT0775E
UNDEFINED_PROJECTION_COLUMN=CWSPT0775E: A projection operation is referring to an undefined column {2}.
- CWSPT0776E
RENAMED_COLUMN_NOT_FOUND=CWSPT0776E: The column {2} being renamed in view {3} does not exist.
- CWSPT0777E
WINDOW_SIZE_NOT_GE_0=CWSPT0777E: The window size in view {2} is not greater than 0.
- CWSPT0778E
UNKNOWN_EXPRESSION=CWSPT0778E: An unknown expression appeared in an MMPL WHERE or ADD clause at line {0} , position {1}.
- CWSPT0779E
ILLEGAL_RANGE=CWSPT0779E: Illegal numeric range at line {0} , position {1}.
- CWSPT0780E
NON_SCALAR_SELECT=CWSPT0780E: Expression in WHERE clause is not a scalar expression at line {0} , position {1}.
- CWSPT0781E
NON_RELATIONAL_ALIAS=CWSPT0781E: An MMPL assignment statement has a right-hand side which is not a relational expression at line {0} , position {1}.
- CWSPT0782E
MISPLACED_AGGREGATION_EXPRESSION=CWSPT0782E: An MMPL aggregation expression appeared elsewhere than in a SELECT or EXTEND at line {0} , position {1}.
- CWSPT0783E
UNRESOLVABLE_EXPRESSION=CWSPT0783E: The expression {2} cannot be resolved at line {0} , position {1}.
- CWSPT0784E
UNRESOLVABLE_ARITHMETIC_TERM=CWSPT0784E: The operand to the operator {2} cannot be resolved at line {0}, position{1}.
- CWSPT0785E
ILLEGAL_PROJECTION=CWSPT0785E: Column {3} of view {2} depends on a column that is being projected away.
- CWSPT0786E
ILLEGAL_STRING_SIZE=CWSPT0786E: String size operator was applied to non-string.
- CWSPT0787E
- CWSPT0788E
CANNOT_BOOL_AGGREGATES=CWSPT0788E: Cannot apply boolean operations to aggregates.
- CWSPT0789E
BAD_INPUTS_FOR_COMBINE=CWSPT0789E: Operation {7} in view {6} combines column {2} of type {4} with column {3} of type {5}.
- CWSPT0790E
INCOMPATIBLE_TYPES_FOR_COMPARISON=CWSPT0790E: Expression in view {6} compares column {2} of type {4} with column {3} of type {5}.
- CWSPT0791E
EXPECTED_NUMERIC_TYPE=CWSPT0791E: Column {2} of type {4} in view {6} was expected to be numeric.
- CWSPT0792E
EXPECTED_BOOLEAN_TYPE=CWSPT0792E: Column {2} of type {4} in view {6} was expected to be boolean.
- CWSPT0793E
ILLEGAL_LATEST=CWSPT0793E: Column {2} in view {3} does not depend upon a time key.
- CWSPT0794E
ILLEGAL_MERGE_OPERANDS=CWSPT0794E: View {6} attempts to merge views that are not time-keyed.
- CWSPT0795E
ILLEGAL_WHERE_EXPRESSION=CWSPT0795E: View {6} contains WHERE clause of type {4}.
- CWSPT0796E
INCOMPATIBLE_JOIN_COLUMNS=CWSPT0796E: View {6} joins column {2} of type {4} with column {3} of type {5}.
- CWSPT0797E
ILLEGAL_SPLIT_TYPE=CWSPT0797E: Column {2} of type {4} in view {6} is of illegal type for SPLIT.
- CWSPT0798E
ILLEGAL_WINDOW_OPERAND=CWSPT0798E: View {6} applies WINDOW to a view that is not time-keyed.
- CWSPT0799E
CANNOT_COMBINE_INCOMPATIBLE_UNITS=CWSPT0799E: View {6} attempts to combine column {2} with units {4} with column {3} with units {5}.
- CWSPT0800E
INCOMPATIBLE_UNITS=CWSPT0800E: View {6} uses incompatible units {4} and {5}.
- CWSPT0801E
UNKNOWN_AGGREGATION_OPERATOR=CWSPT0801E: Unknown aggregation operator at line {0}, position {1}.
- CWSPT0802E
UNKNOWN_TYPE_FOR_AGGREGATION=CWSPT0802E: Unknown type for aggregation.
- CWSPT0803E
DIFFERENT_SIGNATURE_FOR_MERGE=CWSPT0803E: Views {2} and {3} have different types.
- CWSPT0804E
OPERATOR_NEEDS_TWO_INPUTS=CWSPT0804E: Operator needs at least two operands.
- CWSPT0805E
UNKNOWN_OPERATOR_TYPE=CWSPT0805E: Unknown operator type {0}.
- CWSPT0806E
NOT_SHOULD_HAVE_1_OPERAND=CWSPT0806E: NOT operator should have one operand.
- CWSPT0807E
UNSUPPORTED_JOIN_RULE=CWSPT0807E: Severe error: "Query rewriter failed to decompose a JOIN: Environment = {2}."
- CWSPT0808E
SPLIT_COLUMN_SMALLER_THAN_DIVISOR=CWSPT0808E: SPLIT operation has a divisor larger than the range of the column being split.
- CWSPT0809E
SPLIT_COLUMN_HAS_ZERO_RANGE=CWSPT0809E: SPLIT column has zero range.
- CWSPT0810E
CONSTANTS_WITH_NONNUMERICS=CWSPT0810E: Constant relation has non-numeric columns.
- CWSPT0811E
CONSTANTS_WITH_NONKEYS=CWSPT0811E: Constant relation should not have non-key columns
- CWSPT0812E
COLUMN_LACKS_TYPE=CWSPT0812E: Compiler error: "Column {2} in view {3} lacks a type."
- CWSPT0813E
INVALID_MERGE=CWSPT0813E: Compiler error: "Invalid Merge: Merge has more than one visibility column."
- CWSPT0814E
TYPE_COMPARE_FAILED=CWSPT0814E: Compiler error: "Type compare failed: exception data: {2}."
- CWSPT0815E
UNITS_FOR_NONNUMERICS=CWSPT0815E: compiler error: "Attempt to extract units for non-numeric fields."
- CWSPT0816E
INVALID_TRANSFORM=CWSPT0816E: compiler error: "An invalid transform {2} was attempted."
- CWSPT0817E
UNIT_NOT_TIME=CWSPT0817E: Compiler error: "A unit {2} is expected to be a time unit and is not."
- CWSPT0818E
INVALID_OP_ON_UNIT=CWSPT0818E: Compiler error: "An invalid operation was attempted on unit {2}."
- CWSPT0819E
INVALID_UNIT=CWSPT0819E: Compiler error: "An invalid unit {2} was detected."
- CWSPT0820E
UNKNOWN_BASIC_TYPE=CWSPT0820E: Compiler error: "An invalid MMPL type {2} was detected."
- CWSPT0821E
NO_RULE_FOR_CLASS=CWSPT0821E: Compiler error: "The transform with class {2} has no rule."
- CWSPT0822E
UNKNOWN_EXPRESSION_INPUT=CWSPT0822E: Probable compiler error: "The expression has an unknown form."
- CWSPT0823E
NO_TYPES_IN_ADD=CWSPT0823E: Compiler error: "An EXTEND has no types in its ADD list."
- CWSPT0824E
UNSUPPORTED_TYPE=CWSPT0824E: Compiler error: "Type {2} is unsupported in MMPL."
- CWSPT0825E
NO_TYPE_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION=CWSPT0825E: Subscription {2} could not be assigned a type.
- CWSPT0826E
RENAME_ENTRY_GENERATES_DUPLICATE=CWSPT0826E: Trying to rename a query from {0} to {1} caused a duplication.
- CWSPT0827E
CANNOT_REMOVE_BECAUSE_USED_BY=CWSPT0827E: Cannot remove view {0} because it is used by view(s) {1}.
- CWSPT0828E
CYCLIC_DEPENDENCY=CWSPT0828E: The update would create a cyclic dependency of views
- CWSPT0829E
ADDITION_CREATES_CONFLICT=CWSPT0829E: The view {0} already exists. Trying to add it again fails.
- CWSPT0830E
MULTIPLE_VISIBILITY_COLUMNS_APPLY=CWSPT0830E: Severe compiler error: "Multiple visibility columns apply. Invariant violated in {0}".
- CWSPT0831E
CANNOT_COMPILE_GENERATED_JAVA_CODE=CWSPT0831E: Cannot compile generated Java code. See Log.
- CWSPT0832E
COULD_NOT_RUN_PROCESS=CWSPT0832E: Probable compiler error: "Could not run process: {0} ({1})."
- CWSPT0833E
NON_KEY_COLUMN_MUST_BE_OF_EVOLVABLE_TYPE=CWSPT0833E: Severe compiler error: "Non-key column {0} must be of evolvable type."
- CWSPT0834E
KEY_COLUMN_MUST_BE_OF_NON_EVOLVABLE_TYPE=CWSPT0834E: Compiler error: "Key column: {0} must be of non-evolvable type."
- CWSPT0835E
PARAMETER_NULL_IS_INVALID=CWSPT0835E: Compiler error: "Parameter null is invalid."
- CWSPT0836E
TYPE_NAME_CANNOT_BE_NULL=CWSPT0836E: Compiler error: "Type name cannot be null."
- CWSPT0837E
MORE_THAN_TWO_MESSAGE_JOIN_NOT_ALLOWED=CWSPT0837E: There must be two message streams to join:{0}.
- CWSPT0838E
INTERNAL_COMPILER_ERROR_FOR_LOGGING=CWSPT0838E: Compiler Error: "In {0} with a message : {1}."
- CWSPT0839E
INTERNAL_COMPILER_ERROR=CWSPT0839E: Compiler Error: "In {0}."
- CWSPT0840E
CAN_NOT_FIND_PARENT_NODE=CWSPT0840E: Compiler error: "Cannot find parent node in {0}."
- CWSPT0843E
ADS_EXCEPTION_1=CWSPT0843E: Compiler error: "Multiple messages apply to the same equi-column command."
- CWSPT0844E
RUNTIME_EXCEPTION=CWSPT0844E: Compiler error: "Method not implemented."
- CWSPT0845E
ASSERTION_ERROR=CWSPT0845E: Compiler error: "Simple join has more than one joined result:{0}."
- CWSPT0846E
ADS_EXCEPTION_2=CWSPT0846E: Compiler error: "Incompatible inputs for merge in ADS stage. Some checks failed earlier in line {0} and posistion {1}."
- CWSPT0847E
ILLEGAL_STATE_EXCEPTION_1=CWSPT0847E: Compiler error: "This case should be handled in rewriter: {0}."
- CWSPT0848E
ADS_EXCEPTION_3=CWSPT0848E: Compiler error: "Message is effected by multiple split operations. Invalid state in line {0} and posistion {1}."
- CWSPT0849E
ADS_EXCEPTION_4=CWSPT0849E: Severe compiler error: "Aggregation should have been factored stand-alone expression in line {0} and posistion {1}".
- CWSPT0850E
ADS_EXCEPTION_5=CWSPT0850E: Compiler error: "Duplicate message found in line {0} and position {1}."
- CWSPT0851E
ADS_EXCEPTION_6=CWSPT0851E: Compiler error: "Message not found with columns: {0} in line {1} and position {2}."
- CWSPT0852E
CODEGEN_EXCEPTION=CWSPT0852E: Compiler error: "Cannot find next node process:in line {0} and position {1}."
- CWSPT0853E
CODEGEN_EXCEPTION_1=CWSPT0853E: Compiler error: "Unknown type".
- CWSPT0854E
CODEGEN_EXCEPTION_2=CWSPT0854E: Compiler Error: "Cannot compute index for column {0} in Hash Table {1}."
- CWSPT0855E
CODEGEN_EXCEPTION_3=CWSPT0855E: Compiler error: "Unknown column {0} and type {1}."
- CWSPT0856E
CODEGEN_EXCEPTION_4=CWSPT0856E: Compiler error: "Unsupported equality statement at line {0} and position {1}."
- CWSPT0857E
CODEGEN_EXCEPTION_5=CWSPT0857E: Compiler error: "Should have been factored out by splitter component in line: {0} and position: {1}."
- CWSPT0858E
CODEGEN_EXCEPTION_6=CWSPT0858E: Compiler error: "Not supported: {0} in {1}".
- CWSPT0859E
CODEGEN_EXCEPTION_7=CWSPT0859E: Compiler error: "The operator {0} is not supported on String."
- CWSPT0860E
CODEGEN_EXCEPTION_8=CWSPT0860E: Compiler error: "Unknown case".
- CWSPT0861E
CODEGEN_EXCEPTION_9=CWSPT0861E: Compiler error: "Storing silence is not supported for client hashes for now."
- CWSPT0862E
CODEGEN_EXCEPTION_10=CWSPT0862E: Compiler error: "Compiler generated code is not designed to get data from client table."
- CWSPT0863E
ADS_EXCEPTION_7=CWSPT0863E: Compiler error: "node: {0} should have had broker assignment in line {1} and position {2}."
- CWSPT0864E
JOIN_FAILED=CWSPT0864E: Compiler error: "Join failed: {2}".
- CWSPT0865E
CANNOT_FIND_TOOLJAR_EXCEPTION=CWSPT0865E: Cannot find class The tools.jar is probably not in the class path.
- CWSPT0867E
ILLEGAL_STATE_EXCEPTION=CWSPT0867E: Compiler error: "There is a name conflict."