Apply fixes to the test environment
Verify the WebSphere Application Server V5.1 test environment in WebSphere Studio Application Developer is at the same level as the production environment.
To apply fixes to the WebSphere Application Server 5.1 test environment...
1. Insert the WebSphere Application Server Fixes CD (from the WebSphere Commerce package, provided with WebSphere Commerce Developer) into the CD-ROM drive of the machine where you have WebSphere Studio Application Developer installed.
2. Prepare the update installation wizard...
a. From the WebSphere Application Server Fixes CD, copy the updateInstaller directory to a temporary location on the hard drive.
b. Start a command prompt session.
c. Do the following in the command prompt session:
i. Change directories to the updateInstaller directory on the hard drive.
ii. Issue the following command:
iii. Start the update installation wizard by issuing the following command:
You can close the command prompt session at this point.
d. When prompted to select the product to update, select Specify product information and enter the following path in the Installation directory field:
WSAD_installdir\runtimes\base_v51 and click Next.
e. Leave the update installation wizard open for the next step.
3. Apply WebSphere Application Server v5.1 Fix Pack 1 to the WebSphere Studio Application Developer installation as follows. The update installation wizard should still be open from the previous step.
a. Select Install fix packs and click Next.
b. In the Fix pack directory field, enter CD-ROM drive:\BASE\fixpack and click Next.
c. Ensure that was51_fp1_win is selected and click Next.
d. Deselect Embedded Messaging and click Next.
e. Continue through the update installation wizard until the installation starts.
f. When the installation has completed, click Run Wizard Again. This will leave the update installation wizard open to apply the required cumulative fix in the next step.
4. Apply WebSphere Application Server v5.1.1 Cumulative Fix 3 to the WebSphere Studio Application Developer installation as follows. The update installation wizard should still be open from the previous step.
a. Select Install fix packs and click Next.
b. In the Fix pack directory field, enter CD-ROM drive:\BASE\fixpack and click Next.
c. Ensure that was511_cf3_win is selected and click Next.
d. Continue through the update installation wizard until the installation starts.
e. When the installation has completed, click Run Wizard Again. This will leave the update installation wizard open to apply the require interim fixes in the next step.
5. Apply the WebSphere Application Server interim fixes to the WebSphere Studio Application Developer installation as follows. The update installation wizard should still be open from the previous step.
a. Select Install fixes and click Next.
b. In the Fix directory field, enter CD-ROM drive:\WCDE_fixes and click Next.
c. From the list of available fixes, select JDKiFix_win and click Next.
d. Continue through the update installation wizard until the installation starts.
e. When the installation has completed, click Run Wizard Again.
f. Select Install fixes and click Next.
g. In the Fix directory field, enter CD-ROM drive:\BASE\fixes and click Next.
h. From the list of available fixes, select PQ99045 and click Next.
i. Continue through the update installation wizard until the installation starts.
6. When the update installation wizard completes, click Finish.