Create admin user and assign user rights

To assign user rights to the administrator ID used by the WebSphere Commerce DB2 owner during instance creation:

1. Log on to Windows as an administrator.

2. Create a user ID and add the user to the administrators group (for example, we created a user called admin). Alternatively, you could use an existing administrator user such as the development logon ID.

Note: This user can be the development user ID that you use to log on to the Windows system or db2admin.

For our example, we created a user called admin to whom we assigned these user rights and added to the administrator group. Within our procedure, replace the administrator user ID where we have entered admin as a sample user ID.

3. Click Start Æ Settings Æ Control Panel Æ Administrative Tools Æ Local Security Policy.

4. From the Local Security Settings window, select and expand Local Policies Æ User Rights Assignment.

5. Verify the administrator user ID (for example, admin) has user right assignments for the following Windows Local Security Policies that are needed for DB2:

Act as part of the operating system

Create a token object

Increase quotas

Log on as a service

Replace a process level token

6. Log on as the administrator user ID that had necessary rights assigned for DB2.



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