Compile JSPs for tools and store
We recommend that you precompile the JSPs for the WebSphere Commerce tools and store. Compiling the JSPs will significantly reduce the amount of time needed to load the WebSphere Commerce tools the first time they are accessed. By default, the WebSphere Application Server will compile the JSPs the first time the JSP is requested. This step is optional, but recommended.
WebSphere Commerce V5.6.1 has separate Web modules for the administration tools and store...
WebSphere Commerce Administration Console: SiteAdministrator.war
WebSphere Commerce Accelerator: CommerceAccelerator.war
WebSphere Commerce Organization Administration Console: OrganizationAdministration.war
WebSphere Commerce Stores: Stores.war
Syntax: JspBatchCompiler.sh
JspBatchCompiler -enterpriseapp.name <name>
[-webmodule.name <name>]
[-cell.name <name>]
[-node.name <name>]
[-server.name <name>]
[-classloader.parentFirst <true|false>]
[-classloader.singleWarClassloader <true|false>]
[-filename <jsp name>]
[-keepgenerated <true|false>]
[-verbose <true|false>]
[-deprecation <true|false>]
For more information, refer to the WebSphere Application Server V5.1 Information Center (search on JspBatchCompiler) at:
To batch compile JSPs for the WebSphere Commerce tools:
1. Verify the WCS instance application server is started.
2. Open a command window, and set up the command line by running setupCmdLine.bat from the was_installdir\bin directory.
3. To compile the JSPs for the WebSphere Commerce Administration Console (SiteAdministration.war), enter the following from the was_installdir\bin directory:
JspBatchCompiler.bat -enterpriseapp.name WC_demo -webmodule.name SiteAdministration.war -server.name WC_demo -node.name cmw2kpro1 -cell.name cmw2kpro1
4. Repeat the previous step for each webmodule.name:
Note: You may want to wait to compile stores.war until after you have created the stores.
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