12.2.14 Store: Find Approval Submissions
To search for a specific submission or group of submissions.
1. From the Store menu, select Find Approval Submissions.
The Find Approval Submissions dialog displays.
2. Specify the criteria appropriate to the search:
Request Number If you are looking for a specific request, insert its ID number, if known.
Process To retrieve all requests for a specific process, select it here.
Approver To retrieve all requests that are being reviewed by a specific approver, select the approver here.
Status To retrieve all requests that have a specific status, select the status here.
Date To retrieve all requests that were submitted either on a specific date or within a specific period, indicate the criteria here.
3. Click Find.
The Search Results - Approval Submissions page displays. If all submissions or only pending submissions are retrieved, the page will be identical in appearance to the Approval Submissions page. If the search retrieves submissions in an approved or rejected status, the page will include two additional columns: Approved On or Rejected On and Remarks.