11.7.12 Reports: Order Status Report
The Order Status Report displays a list of orders and their status depending on the search criteria that is entered. In the resulting report, clicking on the Order ID displays details of the order items that are associated with the order.
To generate an Order Status Report for the store:
1. From the Reports menu, select Operational Reports.
2. Click the Order Status Report link to open the Order Status Report page.
3. Enter the start date, end date, and the following details:
Currency: select a currency for monetary values.
The type of orders to report on. The following are supported:
All valid orders.
All orders awaiting payment authorization.
All pending orders.
All orders affected by low inventory.
All orders that have been shipped.
All orders that have been cancelled.
All orders that have been backordered.
4. Click OK. This opens the Order Status Report content page, which displays:
The report criteria used to generate the report.
The date and time the report was generated.
A list of orders and their status. For each order the following is displayed:
Order ID: unique order reference number.
Order Status: the current status of the order. Refer to the glossary for more information about order status.
Last Update time stamp: the date and time the order was last updated.
Product Charges: the charges resulting from the price of the products in the order.
Adjustments: charges associated with adjustments made to the order.
Tax on products: charges associated with tax on products in the order.
Shipping charges: charges associated with shipping the order.
Tax on shipping: charges associated with any tax on shipping the order.
5. To print the report, click Print.
6. To view the details of an order, click the Order ID link.
7. Click OK on the prompt to continue. This opens the Order Item Details Report page, which displays:
The date and time the report was generated.
A list of all order items for the order and these details for each order item:
Ordered Item: the name of the item being purchased.
Estimated Availability Date: the estimated date that the item will be available for shipping.
Fulfillment Center: the name of the originating fulfillment center.
Fulfillment Status: Valid values include: INT- not yet released for fulfillment, OUT - released for fulfillment, SHIP - shipment confirmed.
Inventory Status: the allocation status of inventory for this item. Valid values include: NALC - inventory is neither allocated nor backordered, BO - inventory is backordered, ALLC - inventory is allocated, FUL - inventory has been released for fulfillment.
Time Orderitem created: the date the order item was created.
Quantity Ordered: the number of quantity of items ordered.
8. To print the report, click Print.