11.7.8 Reports: Order Summary
This section shows how to generate a Order Summary report for the store. This report, which summarizes shipped orders by volume (number of orders) and value (in currency), It is used to review and analyze store performance.
Restriction: This report is only for orders that have been shipped.
1. From the Reports menu, select Order Management Reports.
2. Click the Order Summary link. This opens the Order Summary page.
3. Enter the start date and end date that the report should cover. Click OK.
4. This opens the Order Summary report content page, which displays the following information:
The report criteria used to generate the report.
The date and time the report was generated.
A summary of orders for the store. The following is displayed:
Year: year reported on
Month: month reported on
Total Product Charges: total amount of money charged for products
Total Tax on Products: total amount of tax charged on products
Total Shipping Charges: total amount of money charged for shipping
Total Adjustments: total amount of money adjusted on orders
Total Order Value: total amount of money on orders (taking tax, shipping, and adjustments into consideration)
Number of Orders: total number of orders
Average Sale per Order: average amount of money per order
Currency: currency used for amounts
5. To print the report, click Print.