11.6.40 Operations: Credit Payment

This section demonstrates how to create a credit payment for an order placed with the store. If a customer is not satisfied with their purchase, the merchant can offer a refund for the purchase. A credit payment is issued to refund an order.

Follow the steps in 11.6.51, Operations: Find Payment to find the desired payment. When it appears on the Find Payment - Order Search page:

1. Click the Order number link for the payment. This displays the Order details page, which shows the details of the payment.

2. Click Credit to open the Order - Create credit page.

3. Enter the following details:

Credit Amount Amount to be refunded to the customer

Authorization Code The reason for issuing the refund

Decline Reason Left blank for credit approval

4. Click Credit. This re-displays the Order details page with a message that indicates that the credit was successful. A credit payment against the order with a credit status of Refunded will be created.



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