11.6.35 Operations: Adjust Inventory Quantity
This section demonstrates how to adjust the quantity of available inventory.
Inventory adjustments are made when the amount of inventory in the fulfillment center is not the same as the amount of inventory recorded in the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator. This could happen for several reasons. For example, if products in a fulfillment center are stolen or damaged, the amount of available inventory must be adjusted to reflect the situation. If a count is taken in a fulfillment center and there are more products than previously thought, this too must be recorded. WebSphere Commerce provides a sample set of inventory adjustment codes that define reasons for the inventory adjustment. For more information about inventory adjustment codes, refer to the WebSphere Commerce Information Center.
Important: Do not use the Adjust Quantity page to receive inventory. If the inventory has an associated expected inventory record, follow the process for creating an expected inventory receipt. Otherwise, follow the process for creating an ad hoc inventory receipt.
Follow the steps in 11.6.33, Operations: Find Inventory to find the inventory that is to be adjusted. After the desired inventory has been located on the Inventory Search Results page, follow these steps:
1. Select the check box next to the desired SKU and click Adjust Quantity. This displays the Adjust Quantity page, which is used to manually adjust the quantity of inventory units on hand.
2. The Adjust Quantity page displays the current quantity of units on hand. Enter the following details:
To increase the quantity levels, select Increase quantity and enter a value by which to increase the quantity.
To decrease the quantity levels, select Decrease quantity and enter a value by which to decrease the quantity.
Select an adjustment reason.
Enter additional comments if needed.
3. Click OK. This displays a pop-up dialog window that prompts the user to confirm the increase or decrease.
4. Click OK. This displays a pop-up dialog window that indicates that the inventory levels were adjusted successfully.
5. Click OK to close it.