11.2.9 Store: Change Tax

This section describes how to use the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator to add taxes to orders. A functional store must include data on taxes. Taxation is about charging and collecting taxes on the goods and services of the store. The combination of tax categories, calculation codes, jurisdiction, and jurisdiction groups create the tax charges for the store.

Specify tax settings for the store using the Tax notebook. This notebook enables you to set up or change tax information so that taxes are displayed on each order. Before you specify tax rates for the store, ensure that you contact the taxation agency to determine the types and rates you should charge.

Note: If the tax implementation supported by the Tax notebook is not appropriate for the store, WebSphere Commerce supports integrating with a third-party tax system. WebSphere Commerce also supports customizing the tax implementation. For information about customizing the tax implementation refer to the Taxes topic in the WebSphere Commerce Studio development environment online help.

Use the Tax notebook to specify the following tax information:

Tax jurisdictions: The tax jurisdictions to which you deliver orders. The jurisdictions are geographical regions, made up of a country or region and state or province combination. For example, CANADA, Ontario is a jurisdiction. WebSphere Commerce creates a default tax jurisdiction, WORLD, for every store. The WORLD jurisdiction cannot be deleted.

Tax categories: The tax categories for the store. Create a category for each type of tax collect for the store. For example, create a GST category for the GST, or a State category for the state tax. You can create as many categories as necessary for the store. In the Tax notebook, sales tax categories are applied to the total price of the order, while shipping tax is applied to the total shipping charge for the order. The Tax notebook does not apply taxes on top of other taxes.

Display name of the tax category: The tax category name that displays to the customers. If the store displays in multiple languages, you can define a display name for each language. For example, the name of the tax category may be translated into Japanese or German, or any language in the store.

Tax rates: The tax rates (as percentage values) charged to customers. Each rate is associated with a tax jurisdiction and tax category. For example, you can specify a 10% shipping tax for all orders shipped to Canada and a 12% shipping tax for orders shipped outside of Canada.

Tax calculation codes: The sales and shipping tax calculation codes that specify how sales and shipping taxes are calculated. For example, all sales taxes applicable to groceries could be grouped under a single sales tax code called groceries. A store typically only supports a single tax code scheme. WebSphere Commerce creates a default code that applies to any product that is not assigned to a tax code. After creating tax codes for the store, you assign the applicable tax categories to each code.



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