Opens the reports page for the store. Several store-level reports are available:
Storefront Usage Report
This report shows key data (orders, order status, customers, visits) for a snapshot of the selected store's operations and performance.
Order Status Report
Shows details of orders for the selected store, either for a particular order state or all valid order states. In the resulting report, clicking the Order ID displays details of the order items associated with the order.
Order Item Status Report
This report enables you to view details of order items for the selected store by selecting either a particular order state or all valid order states.
To produce one of the reports:
1. From the View Stores page, select a store by clicking the check box next to the store name.
2. Click Reports. This displays a report selection page.
3. Select one of the reports by clicking on the name.
4. Enter the reporting criteria and click OK. The report is display.
5. Click Print to print a hard copy of the report.
6. Click OK to return to the report selection page.