10.1 Overview
The WebSphere Commerce Accelerator enables you to maintain online stores, hubs, and catalogs by completing store operations such as managing the look and feel of the store, creating and maintaining orders, and tracking store activities.
If you are authorized to work with multiple stores, when you log on to the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator, you select the store and language with which to work. If you are authorized to work with a single store, the store name is preselected during logon. Additionally, if the store supports more than one language, you can select the language with which to work. Finally, if you are assigned a role with fulfillment duties, you can also choose the fulfillment center associated with the store when you log on. If you wish to change the store, language, or fulfillment center selection, click the Select icon in the upper left corner to display the selection dialog.
Tasks that you are authorized to perform in the role are displayed on the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator home page menus. These tasks are based on user roles, authority levels, and the business model and type of store. If change the access level, contact the Site Administrator.
To return to the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator home page at any time, click Home near the top of the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.
Ensure that you log off the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator before you log on to another Administration tool (such as the Administration Console or the Organization Administration Console). If you access another tool without first logging off of the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator, any unsaved work will be lost and an error message will be displayed.
To open the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator:
1. Access the following Web address in the browser:
host_name is the fully-qualified WebSphere Commerce Web server host name. The host name may be a virtual host name on the Web server.
2. From the WebSphere Commerce Logon page, type the WebSphere Commerce user name and password. The Select Store and Language page displays.
Note: If only one store, one language, and one or no fulfillment center is defined, then the Select Store and Language page does not display. You go directly from the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator logon page to the home page.
3. Name of the store to work with. If you are authorized to work with a single store, the store name is preselected. Otherwise, the options are:
a. From the Store name pull-down list, select the name of the store.
b. If there are numerous stores to list, the system may prompt you to use the options under Find a store to search for a store. Under Find a store, type all or part of the store name into the Store name field, and from the pull-down list beside this field select how you want the system to perform the search. Click Find.
c. To list all stores you are authorized to work with, select List All.
4. If you are assigned a role with fulfillment duties, select the name of the fulfillment center associated with the store from the Fulfillment center pull-down list.
5. From the Language to work in pull-down list, select the language in which to administer the store. If you are authorized to work with a single language, the language is preselected. If you are authorized to work with more than one of the WebSphere Commerce supported languages, the store's default language is preselected; however, you can select a different language from this list.
6. Click OK. The WebSphere Commerce Accelerator home page displays. Select the menu and menu option to work with. If you do not see the menu or menu option, then the logon ID does not have the appropriate authority to perform this task. Contact the Site Administrator.