8.3.1 Authorizing cassettes for the store
WebSphere Commerce Payments offers several payment cassettes that you can use to implement electronic payment protocols. The merchant and cassette relationship is a payment system that buyers use when they shop online. WebSphere Commerce Payments offers the following cassettes:
Note: OfflineCard is installed and enabled by default.
To authorize a cassette for the store:
1. Select Merchant Settings.
2. Click the store name in the Merchant name column.
3. Select the cassettes that you wish to authorize for the store.
4. Click Update.
Important: If Payment Manager was not running when the store was created, add a new merchant (your store) to authorize cassettes for the store. When creating a new merchant, the merchant number that is specified must match the WebSphere Commerce store ID.
To create a new merchant, select Merchant Settings and click Add a Merchant.
To configure cassettes for the store:
1. Select Merchant Settings.
2. Select a cassette to configure by clicking the icon in the row for the store and the column for the cassette to configure.
3. Click Accounts on the cassette's page for the store and:
To change existing accounts, click the account name.
To create a new account, click Add an Account.