3.6.1 Sales catalogs
The Sales Catalog tool does not work well with the catalog filter. The catalog filter tool shows only the master catalog; therefore, the product set exclusion is made based on the master catalog. When building a sales catalog, we will not have visibility into which products were excluded from which stores.
The sales catalog tool does work in the Extended Sites environment. Sales catalogs can be created using the shared catalog in the catalog asset store and shared across multiple stores. Sales catalogs can also be created within individual Extended Sites. The limitation is that when building that sales catalog, the product exclusions will not be visible. This must be taken into account when using the sales catalog tool in an Extended Sites environment.
The sales catalog tool is not enabled out-of-the-box in Extended Sites. A minor change to several XML files in the Accelerator enables functionality. We decided to do this in our scenario. (See 5.3.1, Sales catalog for details.)