Sales management

The following business relationship management roles are supported by WebSphere Commerce:

Sales Manager

Sales managers acquire and retain customers, meet sales forecasts, provide incentives for increased customer business, contract management, set pricing terms, work with the Product Manager to establish inventory forecasts, and work with the Marketing Manager for promotions.

Account Representative

Working with individual accounts to build relationships and manage customer service issues, account reps may be authorized to change contract pricing, negotiate contracts, and analyze profitability by account category.

Customer Service Supervisor

This role has access to all customer service tasks. The Customer Service Supervisor manages customer inquiries (such as customer registration, orders, returns, and auctions) and has authority to complete tasks that cannot be accessed by a Customer Service Representative, such as approving system-denied returns records, and contacting customers regarding payment exceptions (such as credit card authorization failures).

Customer Service Representative

No matter how well an online business is designed to provide a customer with self-service features, there will be some types of customers or occasions that require personal contact. Most online businesses provide an e-mail address, fax, or telephone number for the customer to obtain direct service. It is the responsibility of the customer service representative to handle all inquiries from the customer.



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