1.4.2 IBM Redbooks
IBM Redbooks are developed and published by the IBM International Technical Support Organization (ITSO). We develop and deliver skills, technical know-how, and materials to technical professionals of IBM, Business Partners, and clients, and to the marketplace generally.
The ITSO teams with IBM Divisions and Business Partners in the process of developing IBM Redbooks, Redpapers, Technotes, training, and other materials. The ITSO is part of the IBM Global Technical Support organization within IBM Global Sales and Distribution.
The ITSO's value-add information products address product, platform, and solution perspectives. They explore integration, implementation, and operation of realistic business scenarios.
IBM Redbooks and Redpapers can be downloaded as PDFs at:
See Related publications for lists of individual Redbooks and other related documentation.
If you are interested in participating in creating an IBM Redbook, Redpaper or workshop, click the Residency link on the IBM Redbooks Web site. // Clear related topics