Administer > Manage instances > WebSphere Commerce Payments instance > WebSphere Commerce Payments > Create a WebSphere Commerce Payments instance
Federating WebSphere Commerce Payments
- Install WAS ND product on a separate machine from the machines on which you installed WebSphere Commerce, WebSphere Commerce Payments, the database, and the Web server.
You can install other application servers on the same machine as the deployment manager if the dmgr machine has the capacity.
- On the WAS ND machine, start the deployment manager profile.
Record the SOAP port number that is defined when creating the deployment manager profile.
- Create the WebSphere Application Server non-root user and group on the WebSphere Commerce Payments node.
- Update
- Log on to the WebSphere Commerce Payments node as root.
- Edit...
- In the text file, find the following line of text:
"$JAVA_HOME"/bin/java \
- Append the following line...
-Xms256m -Xmxmax_allowedm \Where, max_allowed is the maximum value allowable by your operating system. This value must be a multiple of 1024. Append the letter k or K to indicate kilobytes, or m or M to indicate megabytes.
- Log on to the WAS ND Administration Console.
- Change the Maximum Heap Size value to the maximum value supported by the operating system.
System Administration | Deployment Manager | Java and Process Management | Process Definition | Java Virtual Machine
- On the Payments node, increase the SOAP connection timeout to 6000.
WAS_WC_PROFILE/properties/soap.client.props...and set...
- Restart the Deployment Manager.
- Verify the system clock on the payments node and the WAS ND node are synchronized within 5 minutes of each other.
- On the WebSphere Commerce Payments node:
- Log on as the non-root user.
- Federate the WebSphere Commerce Payments application...
WCP_profiledir/bin/addNode.bat dmgr_host SOAP_port -includeapps
WCP_profiledir Directory created for the WAS profile used by a WebSphere Commerce Payments instance dmgr_host Fully-qualified host name of the deployment manager node. SOAP_port SOAP port on which the deployment manager listens. Default: 8879. -includeapps When federating a Payments profile that contains a Payments instance, include this parameter to ensure that the Payments EAR file is transferred to the new configuration. The WebSphere Commerce Payments instance is stopped automatically during the federation process.
After federating a Payment profile, the node agent must be managed by the non-root user.
- Reset the SOAP connection timeout to the original value.
- Re-create the virtual hosts required by the WebSphere Commerce Payments application server.
- Login to WebSphere Commerce Payments Node as non-root user.
- Run the following command:
WC60_Install/payments/bin/ payments_instanceWhere, payments_instance is the name of the WebSphere Commerce Payments instance
- Regenerate Plugin-cfg.xml for updated Payments web server configuration.
- Log on to the WAS ND Administration Console.
- Generate plugin_cfg.xml for payment webserver1...
Servers |WebServer | webserver1 (WPM_wpm_node) | Generate Plug-in
- Copy the updated plugin-cfg.xml file to the Web server machine
- Update the path to the plugin-cfg.xml file in the Web server configuration file on the WebSphere Commerce Payments node.
- Restart the Web server.