Source IP affinity - GUI configuration

To configure sticky ports for both your primary and your standby Load Balancer server, using the GUI:

  1. Open the Load Balancer GUI by running lbadmin and connect to your server

  2. Expand the tree view to see the ports.

  3. In our scenario we set the sticky time for ports 80 and 443 to 60 seconds. In the tree view, select Port:80. In the right pane of the GUI, select the Configuration settings tab. Enter a value of 60 into the Sticky time field. Then click Update configuration. Repeat for port 443 or any other port that needs to be sticky.

    WebSphere Commerce switches between HTTP and HTTPS within one session. For example, when users have finished shopping and proceed to the checkout, or when they navigate to their user profile, they will be directed to a HTTPS site, which will encrypt all communication between the browser and the server. Cross-port affinity enables Dispatcher to forward this user's requests for both ports 80 and 443 to the same server.

  4. To set up cross-port affinity 80 to 443, select Port:80 in the tree view, then select the Configuration settings tab in the right pane. Enter the value 443 in the Cross port field

    Do not forget to click Update configuration.

    Figure 19-12 Setting sticky time and cross-port affinity for port 80

  5. Save the configuration