Offload to disk | Limitation on invalidation when server is stopped


Cache entries can also be written to disk when the server is stopped.

There are two ways to achieve this:

When this custom property is set to true, even if Flush to disk is not selected in the administrative console, upon a server stop, it will flush in-memory cache to disk and also retain the over flowed offloaded-to-disk cache.

To verify whether FlushToDiskOnStop is enabled or disabled, check the SystemOut.log on server startup for this message:

Cache I DYNA0061I: Flush to disk on stop is enabled for cache name "baseCache".


Cache I DYNA0061I: Flush to disk on stop is disabled for cache name "baseCache".

If you do not want to retain any cache entries (in-memory or on disk) when the server stops, ensure the following: