11.1.2 Copy files from Web server node 1

We need to copy the WebSphere Commerce configuration and static content to Web server node 2:

1. On Web server node 1, as wasuser, create tar files for the configuration and the static content:

tar -cvf instanceconfig.tar WC_Install_Dir/instances/Instance_Name
tar -cvf instance.ear.tar WAS_Install_Dir/profiles/Profile_Name/

2. Copy the files to /tmp on Web server node 2, for example, using FTP or SCP, and make sure that wasuser can read the copies.

3. As wasuser, untar the files to the same directories:

tar -xvf /tmp/instanceconfig.tar
tar -xvf /tmp/instance.ear.tar

4. Verify that all copied directories and files are owned by wasuser.