Change store flows
To configure a store to support certain features:
- (Optional) Create copies of the JSP files of the store that you are about to configure. The JSP files are located in the following directory:
- WAS_installdir/installedApps/cell/WCServer_enterprise_archive/Stores.war/storedir
workspace_dir\Stores\Web Content\storedir
Creating copies of your JSP files will allow you to undo any changes in a store that you may apply permanently in step 6.
- Open the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.
- From the Store menu, select Change Flow.
- From the left navigation frame, select the feature you want to configure.
- If you want to enable the feature in the store, select the appropriate field (for example, a check box or radio button). If you want to disable the feature, clear the appropriate field.
- Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each remaining feature that you want to configure.
- Select Apply or Apply Permanently to apply your changes.
- Select Apply allows you to view the changes in the current store, but your choices can be reversed later.
- If you select Apply Permanently, you will not be able to reverse your choices.
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