Product Management tools

The Product Management tools in the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator allow you to manage the products in your store's master catalog using various wizards and notebooks. You can also use the Product Management dynamic table, which allows you to update your catalog entry information directly.

Use the Product Management tools, you can work with the following catalog assets:

Catalog entries

Work with one of the following types of catalog entries:


A category, also known as a catalog group, is used to group products and services offered by the store. You can create, find, list, change, and delete categories. You can classify products and SKUs under different parent categories.


There are two types of attributes:

  • Define attributes are attributes that are used to resolve SKUs.

  • Descriptive attributes are attributes that provide additional descriptions but are not used to resolve SKUs.


A price for a product or SKU, in one or more currencies, along with a set of conditions such as setting a price for different quantities (for example, 1 to 5, 6 or more), which must be satisfied in order to use the price. You can create, list, and change pricing associated with a product or SKU.

Merchandising associations

Merchandising associations suggest additional, different, or replacement products based on a selected catalog entry. The merchandising associations are used as a product recommendation strategy to increase store sales.

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