Migrate Payments application using two machines

(Linux)(AIX)(Solaris) WCIM will connect to the migrated Payments database, so ensure that the user running WCIM can access this database

The basic steps for Payments application tier migration involving two machines, using WCIM are:

  1. Backing up your previous Payments application

  2. Transferring the back up zip file and ear file to your target machine

  3. Migrate Payments application using WCIM.

  4. Configure Web server for the migrated Payments application using WCIM



Backing up your previous Payments application

If you will be migrating your existing Payments application to another machine, you will first need to back up your existing Payments application. The backup will then be copied over to the WebSphere Commerce 6.0 machine where it will be migrated. 1. On your previous Payments machine, run wcimRemoteBackup to backup your existing instances from the following directory:

Notes :

The syntax for running wcimRemoteBackup.sh/bat is described in WCIM utility. The following command backs up your current Payments application without any special options (this is sufficient for most migrations)

(i5/OS)(Linux)(AIX)(Solaris) ./wcimRemoteBackup.sh -component wpm -from previous_version -action backup -instanceName payments_instance

(Windows) wcimRemoteBackup.bat -component wpm -from previous_version -action backup -instanceName payments_instance


You are prompted for the following inputs:

Review the contents of the log file to make sure that no problems were encountered.


Transferring the back up zip file and ear file to your target machine

After you have performed the backup of your previous Payments application:
Copy the generated zip file and ear file for example, wcbackupwpm55.zip and wpm_Commerce_Payments_App.ear, to the following directory on your target WebSphere Commerce Payments v6 machine:

The backup zip file was generated on the previous Payments machine, in an earlier step.

Do not unpackage the .zip file. The WCIM script that is run in the next step will handle the extracting.


Migrate Payments application using WCIM

Run the WCIM script (with any optional flags that may be required) from the following directory:

The following WCIM command migrates your current Payments application with minimal options:


(i5/OS)(Linux)(AIX)(Solaris) ./wcim.sh -component wpm -from previous_version -action migrate -instanceName payments_instance


(Windows) wcim.bat -component wpm -from previous_version -action migrate -instanceName payments_instance

where previous_version is either wcp55, wcp56, or wcp561 and payments_instance is the previous Payment instance name.

Run the WCIM command will migrate your Payments application to the WebSphere Commerce Payments, v6 level.

WCIM requires access to the backup zip file, for example,wcbackupwpm55.zip in the subdirectory under the migration working directory. The working directory is set to either WC60_installdir or WC60_userdir depending on your operating system.

(i5/OS) The WCIM script will prompt you for the following items. Provide the values for your system as responses to the prompts:

(Linux)(Windows)(AIX)(Solaris) The WCIM script will prompt you for the following items. Provide the values for your system as responses to the prompts:



Configure Web server for the migrated Payments application using WCIM

  1. WCIM only supports the configuring of IBM HTTP Server version 6.0 or later. For other Web servers, configure them manually.

  2. This step is not needed for iSeries.

To configure Web server for the migrated Payments application, run the WCIM script (with any optional flags that you might require for your instance) from the following directory:



The following WCIM command configures Web server for your migrated Payments application with minimal options:

(Linux) (AIX) (Solaris) ./wcim.sh -component wpm -from older_version -action config -instanceName payments_instance

(Windows) wcim.bat -component wpm -from older_version -action config -instanceName payments_instance

The WCIM script will prompt you for the following items. Provide the values for your system as responses to the prompts:

Run the WCIM command will configure the IBM HTTP Server for your Payments application to v6 level. If the Web server is in local, then the newly created httpd.conf file is located in the following directory:



If the Web server is remote from Payments application, the httpd.conf will be placed under the remote config file path specified when migrating the application.

after Web server is configured, the user needs to check the newly configured httpd.conf to ensure the configuration is correct before starting the migrated Payments instance.

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