Currency assets information model diagram description

This diagram shows the currency structure in WebSphere Commerce Server:


A StoreEntity Enterprise Java bean has zero or one default currencies, which is a Currency Enterprise Java bean.


A CounterCurrencyPair Enterprise Java bean has a composite association to StoreEntity Enterprise Java bean. CounterCurrencyPair has one and only one counterValueCurrency, which is a Currency Enterprise Java bean. CounterCurrencyPair has one and only one shoppingCurrency, which is a Currency Enterprise Java bean.


A SupportedCurrency Enterprise Java bean has a composite association to StoreEntity Enterprise Java bean. SupportedCurrency has one and only one owner, which is Currency Enterprise Java bean.


A CurrencyConversionRule Enterprise Java bean has a composite association to StoreEntity Enterprise Java bean. CurrencyConversionRule has one and only one toCurrency, and one and only one fromCurrency, which is a Currency Enterprise Java bean.


A CurrencyFormat Enterprise Java bean has a composite association to StoreEntity Enterprise Java bean. CurrencyFormat has an association to one and only one Currency Enterprise Java bean and one and only one NumberUsage Enterprise Java bean.


A CurrencyFormatDescription Enterprise Java bean has a composite association with one or more CurrencyFormat Enterprise Java beans. CurrencyFormatDescription has one and only one owner, Language Enterprise Java bean.