Configure the promotion engine for a custom sequence builder

To configure the promotion engine to use a customer sequence builder:

  1. Edit the promotion engine configuration XML file in an editor. You can find this file in the following location: WC_eardir/xml/PromotionEngineConfiguration/WCSPromotionEngineConfig.xml

  2. Update the following code segment:
    <PromotionExecutionSequenceBuilder impl=""/>

  3. The segment in bold should be updated to reflect either the custom sequence builder, or one of the following sequence builders:

    • StorePathSupportedSequenceBuilder This is the default sequence builder. It supports all of the WebSphere Commerce features and business models. It evaluates promotions in the following order:

      1. Coupon promotions.

      2. Promotion codes (promotions for an asset store are evaluated before those from the related stores).

      3. Group order of the promotion group to which the promotions belong.

      4. Assigned priority.

      5. Store sequence in the STOREREL table.

      To select this sequence builder, set the PromotionExecutionSequenceBuilder's impl parameter to:


    • StorePathSupportedGroupFirstSequenceBuilder This sequence builder is similar to the first, except that it evaluates promotions according to the group to which they belong first. It evaluates promotions in the following order:

      1. Group order of the promotion group to which the promotions belong.

      2. Coupon promotions.

      3. Promotion codes (promotions for an asset store are evaluated before those from the related stores).

      4. Assigned priority.

      5. Store sequence in the STOREREL table.

      To select this sequence builder, set the PromotionExecutionSequenceBuilder's impl parameter to


    • DefaultSequenceBuilder A former default sequence builder that does not support B2B business models. It evaluates promotions in the following order:

      1. Coupon promotions.

      2. Promotion codes

      3. Group order of the promotion group to which the promotions belong.

      4. Assigned priority

    • To select this sequence builder, set the PromotionExecutionSequenceBuilder's impl parameter to

    • StaticSequenceBuilder It evaluates promotions in the following order:

      1. Group order of the promotion group to which the promotions belong.

      2. Assigned priority

      To select this sequence builder, set the PromotionExecutionSequenceBuilder's impl parameter to


    You may also see the following sequence builder, which is not intended to be used directly:

    A dummy interface to facilitate customization. Any custom sequence builders must call this interface.

  4. Publish the updated configuration file to the production server.


Related tasks

Configure the Promotion Engine


Related Reference

Example: Promotion engine configuration XML file