Configure the ldapentry.xml file for a custom user DN prefix

You must complete additional configuration steps if your user DNs have a prefix other than "uid=". For example, "cn=".

The instructions found on this page do not apply to Microsoft Active Directory. These instructions apply to all other LDAP servers.

  1. Open the WC_eardir /xml/ldap/ldapentry.xml file in a text editor.

    You can ignore the <code >ldapocs </code > and <code > ldapbase </code > tags in this file. These tags are no longer used.

  2. If you use a custome prefix for your user DNs, complete the following steps:

    These steps assume that you are using the prefix "cn=" for your user DNs.

    1. Search for the following entry: <ldapsetting > <ldaprdn rdnName="uid" keyAttrName="logonId" keyObjName="UserRegistry"/ > </ldapsetting > <ldapmap >

    2. Replace this entry with the following information: <ldapsetting > <ldaprdn rdnName="cn" keyAttrName="logonId" keyObjName="UserRegistry"/ > </ldapsetting > <ldapmap >

    3. Search for the following entry:

      <map > < objectAttribute attrName="lastName"/ > < objectAttribute attrName="firstName"/ > < objectSeparator attrSeparator="/"/ > < ldapAttribute name="cn" operation="replace" flow="wcsToLdap"/ > </map >

    4. Replace this entry with the following information: <map > <objectAttribute attrName="logonId"/ > <ldapAttribute name="cn" operation="replace" flow="wcsToLdap"/ > </map >


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