User Guide
- Ansible Quickstart Guide
- Ansible concepts
- Getting Started
- Introduction to ad-hoc commands
- Working with playbooks
- Intro to playbooks
- Tips and tricks
- Understanding privilege escalation: become
- Loops
- Controlling where tasks run: delegation and local actions
- Conditionals
- Tests
- Blocks
- Handlers: running operations on change
- Error handling in playbooks
- Setting the remote environment
- Re-using Ansible artifacts
- Roles
- Including and importing
- Tags
- How to build your inventory
- Inventory basics: formats, hosts, and groups
- Adding variables to inventory
- Assigning a variable to one machine: host variables
- Assigning a variable to many machines: group variables
- Organizing host and group variables
- How variables are merged
- Using multiple inventory sources
- Connecting to hosts: behavioral inventory parameters
- Inventory setup examples
- Working with dynamic inventory
- Patterns: targeting hosts and groups
- Connection methods and details
- Working with command line tools
- Using Variables
- Creating valid variable names
- Simple variables
- When to quote variables (a YAML gotcha)
- List variables
- Dictionary variables
- Registering variables
- Referencing nested variables
- Transforming variables with Jinja2 filters
- Where to set variables
- Variable precedence: Where should I put a variable?
- Using advanced variable syntax
- Discovering variables: facts and magic variables
- Encrypting content with Ansible Vault
- Using filters to manipulate data
- Handling undefined variables
- Defining different values for true/false/null (ternary)
- Managing data types
- Formatting data: YAML and JSON
- Combining and selecting data
- Randomizing data
- Managing list variables
- Selecting from sets or lists (set theory)
- Calculating numbers (math)
- Managing network interactions
- Encrypting and checksumming strings and passwords
- Manipulating text
- Manipulating strings
- Managing UUIDs
- Handling dates and times
- Getting Kubernetes resource names
- Lookups
- Interactive input: prompts
- Module defaults
- Validating tasks: check mode and diff mode
- Executing playbooks for troubleshooting
- Debugging tasks
- Controlling playbook execution: strategies and more
- Asynchronous actions and polling
- Advanced Syntax
- Data manipulation
- Blacklisting modules
- Sample Ansible setup
- Working With Modules
- Working With Plugins
- Playbook Keywords
- Ansible and BSD
- Windows Guides
- Using collections
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