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# addapp0.jacl 
#  Create a variable  for use in the creation of a URLProvider object. 
#  The script expects 1 parameter:
#    node name
proc addapp0 {nodeName} {
  # set up globals
  global AdminConfig
  set url_name                Quote
  set jar_name                QuoteURLProvider.jar
  set streamhandlerclass_name com.ibm.ejs.sm.fvt.url.QuoteURLStreamHandler
  set protocol_name           quote 

  # Get the config id for the node
  puts "addapp0: getting the config id for the node"
  set node [$AdminConfig getid /Node:$nodeName/]
  if {[llength $node] == 0} {
     puts "addapp0: could not find a Node object called $nodeName"

  # Get the config id for the node's variable map
  puts "addapp0: getting the config id for the variable map object on node $nodeName" 
  set varmap [$AdminConfig getid /Node:$nodeName/VariableMap:/]
  if {[llength $varmap] == 0} {
     puts "addapp0: could not find a VariableMap object in node $nodeName"

  # Create a mapping 
  puts "addapp0: create a variable in the variable map" 
  set nameattr [list symbolicName WAS_CLASSES_DIR] 
  set valattr  [list value        "\${WAS_INSTALL_ROOT}/classes"] 
  set attrs [list $nameattr $valattr]
  $AdminConfig create VariableSubstitutionEntry $varmap $attrs 

  # Create a new URLProvider using this variable in the classpath attribute 
  puts "addapp0: create a new URLProvider object using this variable" 
  set name_attr [list name $url_name]
  set cp_attr   [list classpath \${WAS_CLASSES_DIR}/$jar_name]
  set sh_attr   [list streamHandlerClassName $streamhandlerclass_name]
  set prot_attr [list protocol $protocol_name]
  set attrs [list $name_attr $cp_attr $sh_attr $prot_attr]
  set urlp [$AdminConfig create URLProvider $node $attrs]

  # Create new URLs using this URLProvider 
  puts "addapp0: create new URL objects using this URLProvider" 
  set name_attr     [list name MyCompany]
  set jndiName_attr [list jndiName url/MyCompany]
  set spec_attr     [list spec quote://MyCompany]
  set attrs         [list $name_attr $jndiName_attr $spec_attr]
  $AdminConfig create URL $urlp $attrs 

  set name_attr     [list name YourCompany]
  set jndiName_attr [list jndiName url/YourCompany]
  set spec_attr     [list spec quote://YourCompany]
  set attrs         [list $name_attr $jndiName_attr $spec_attr]
  $AdminConfig create URL $urlp $attrs 

  # Save all the changes 
  puts "addapp0: saving the configuration"
  $AdminConfig save


# Main
if { !($argc == 1) } {
   puts "addapp0: this script requires 1 parameters: " 
   puts "       1) the name of the node under which to create resources"
   puts ""
   puts "e.g.:     addapp0 mynode" 
} else { 
   set nodeName      [lindex $argv 0]  
   addapp0 $nodeName 