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Peer core group collection

View the peer core groups defined for the system. We can also use this page to define a new peer core group or delete an existing peer core group.

To access this administrative console page, click...

        Servers > Core Groups > Core group bridge settings > Tunnel peer access points > access_point__name > Peer core groups. We can then click the name of a listed peer core group to view the peer bridge endpoints that have been associated with that peer core group.

We can also click New if we want to create a new peer core group, or we can select an existing peer core group and then click Delete to delete a peer core group.

Core group name

Name of the core group in the foreign cell where the end point resides.

  • Configure communication with a core group that resides on a DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM WAS
  • Peer core group settings
  • Tunnel peer access point collection
  • Tunnel peer access point settings
  • Peer port settings