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High availability group members collection

View information about the individual members of a high availability group

This page lists the current members of the selected high availability group.

From the admin console, click...

In the Group name properties field, specify a match criterion for a specific high availability group, or specify an asterisk (*) to get a list of all the high availability groups that are part of this core group. (A match criterion is one or more name-value pairs that match attributes contained in the name of a high availability group.) Then click Show groups and select one of the listed high availability groups.


Name of a high availability group member.


Node on which each high availability group member is running.


Version of the product on which each node is running.


State of the high availability group members.

High availability group members are either idle, activated, or disabled. The usual states are idle or activated. One of the few times we might want to disable a member is if it is running on a server that we plan to remove or delete.

  • View high availability group information