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Timer manager settings

Modify timer manager settings. Timer managers enable applications to schedule future timer notifications and to receive timer notification callbacks to application-specified listeners within a Java EE environment. The timer manager binds to the JNDI name space.

A timer manager contains a pool of threads bound into JNDI.

From the admin console, click...

        Resources > Concurrency > Timer managers > timer_manager_name.


Scope of the configured resource. This value indicates the location for the configuration file.


Name by which the timer manager is known for administrative purposes.

JNDI name

JNDI name used to look up the timer manager in the namespace.


Description of this timer manager for administrative purposes.


Specifies a string used to classify or group this timer manager.


Default transaction class

Transaction class used for WLM workload classification of non-daemon work that is not already associated with a service class.

Information Value
Data type String
Range 0-8 characters

Service names

List of services to make available to this timer manager.

Asynchronous beans can inherit Java EE context information by enabling one or more Java EE service contexts on the timer manager resource in the product administrative console or by setting the serviceNames attribute of the TimerManagerInfo configuration object. When specifying the serviceNames attribute each enabled service should be separated by a semicolon, for example, security;UserWorkArea;com.ibm.ws.i18n. When a Java EE service context is enabled, it propagates the context from the scheduling thread to the target thread. If not enabled, the target thread does not inherit the context of the scheduling thread and a default context is applied. Any related Java EE context already present on the thread is suspended before any new Java EE context is applied.

The context information of each selected service is propagated to each timer created using this timer manager. Selecting services that are not needed can negatively impact performance.

Service name Description
Internationalization Use the administrative console or the com.ibm.ws.i18n service name to enable the internationalization context information. When the internationalization context and the Internationalization service is enabled, the internationalization context that exists on the scheduling thread is available on the target thread. This feature is optional.
Security Use the administrative console or the security service name to enable the JAAS subject. When this feature and administrative security are enabled, the JAAS subject that is present on the scheduling thread is applied to the target thread. If not enabled, the target thread is run anonymously without a JAAS subject on the thread. This feature is optional.
Work area Use the administrative console or the UserWorkArea service name to enable work area partitions.

When enabled, the work area context for every work area partition that exists on the scheduling thread is available on the target thread. This feature is optional.

Number of timer threads

Maximum number of threads used for timers.

Information Value
Data type Integer


  • Java Authentication and Authorization Service
  • Configure timer managers
  • Timer manager collection