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Map data sources for all 2.x CMP beans

Set the default data source mapping for EJB modules that contain 2.x container-managed persistence (CMP) beans. Unless we configure individual data sources for our 2.x CMP beans, this default mapping applies to all beans within the module.

To view this administrative console panel, click...

        Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications > application_name > Map data sources for all 2.x CMP beans.

This page displays a table that depicts the EJB modules in the application that contain 2.x CMP beans. Each table row corresponds to a module. A row shows the JNDI name of the data source mapping target of the EJB module only if you bound them together during application assembly. For every data source displayed, we see the corresponding security configuration.

Set Multiple JNDI Names

JNDI name to bind to one or more modules. Select one or more modules, click Set Multiple JNDI Names, and select the JNDI name for the resource to which we would like to bind the module.

Set Authorization Type

Authorization type that you to use for the modules. Select one or more modules, click Set Authorization Type, and select the authorization type.

We can choose:

Modify Resource Authentication Method

The resource authentication method for the modules that we have configured with container-managed authorization. Select one or more modules, click Modify Resource Authentication Method, and select the authentication method.

We can choose between the following authentication methods:

Extended Datasource Properties

When selected, we will be directed to a panel on which we can specify extended properties that the module can use for the DB2 data source.

The application server will attempt to verify that we are connecting to the correct type of database when we select this option.


Select the check boxes of the rows we want to edit.


Name of the module containing the 2.x enterprise beans.


Name of an enterprise bean contained by the module


Specifies location of the module relative to the root of the application EAR file.

Target Resource JNDI Name

JNDI name of the default data source for the EJB module.

Information Value
Data type String

Resource authorization

Authorization type and the authentication method for securing the data source.

  • Configure Kerberos as the authentication mechanism
  • Configure enterprise application files