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Custom property settings

Specify the attributes of custom properties that might be required for resource providers and resource factories.

According to the resource type with which a property collection is associated, your ability to modify individual property settings varies. Therefore, consider the following descriptions as a general reference for custom property settings. (The administrative console page that we are using to configure our custom property might only allow us to modify a subset of the following settings.)

We can access this administrative console page through several different paths, depending on the type of resource to which the custom properties belong, for example: Resources > Resource Adapters > Resource adapters > resource_adapter > Custom Properties.


That a value must be provided for this property of the resource, otherwise a warning occurs. For a new custom property, this field is not available.

Information Value
Data type Check box


Name associated with this property, for example, PortNumber, ConnectionURL.

Information Value
Data type String


Value associated with this property of the resource.

Information Value
Data type Determined by the Type field. If the Type is java.lang.String, the text entered into the Value field is interpreted as a string. Similarly, if the Type is java.lang.Integer, the Value field is interpreted as numeric. This means that the text that is entered for the Value field must be able to be interpreted as indicated by the Type field, otherwise an error occurs. For example, attempting to create a property with a Type of java.lang.Integer and a Value of someValue results in an error. Only a numeric value can be properly interpreted for any of the available numeric types.


Text to describe any bounds or well-defined values for this property.

Information Value
Data type String


Fully qualified Java data type of this property.

There are specific types that are valid:

Information Value
Data type Drop-down list


  • JDBC providers
  • Data sources
  • JavaMail API
  • Relational resource adapters and JCA
  • Configure a data source
  • URLs