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Configure a service provider to share its policy configuration using wsadmin.sh

A WebSphere Application Server service provider can share its policy configuration in published Web Services Description Language (WSDL), or WSDL that is obtained using an HTTP GET request or the Web Services Metadata Exchange (WS-MetadataExchange) GetMetadata request.

We have developed a web services service provider containing all the necessary artifacts and deployed the web services application into the application server instance. We have attached the policy sets and managed the associated bindings.

For a list of WS-Policy assertion specifications and WS-Policy domains supported, see the topic about learning about WS-Policy.

We can make the policy configuration of a JAX-WS service endpoint available to share in the following ways:

If the service provider application uses multipart WSDL, all the WSDL must be local to the web service application. For more information about multipart WSDL, see the topic about WSDL.

Configure a service provider to share its policy configuration because by default the policy configuration is not available in its WSDL. We can configure the service provider to include the policy configuration in its WSDL, to use WS-MetadataExchange so that the policy configuration is available, or both. This topic describes how to configure a service provider to share its policy configuration using wsadmin commands. We can also use the administrative console or Rational Application Developer tools.

We can configure a service provider to share its policy configuration at application or service level. The policy configuration represented by the policy sets attached to any lower levels will also be shared. Policy sets that are attached at lower levels override the policy set configuration attached at a higher level.


  1. Start the wsadmin scripting client if it is not already running.

  2. Use the SetProviderPolicySharingInfo command. For example:
    AdminTask.setProviderPolicySharingInfo('[-applicationName WebServiceProviderApplication 
    -resource WebService:/WebServiceProvider.war:{http://example_path/}Service1 
    -sharePolicyMethods [httpGet ]]') 

  3. Save changes to the master configuration.

    To save the configuration changes, enter:


The policy configuration of the service provider is available to its clients. The WSDL of the service provider contains the current policy configuration in WS-PolicyAttachments format so that it is available to other clients, service registries, or services that support the Web Services Policy (WS-Policy) specification.

If the policy configuration cannot be shared, an error that describes the problem is written to the service provider error log, and the following policy is attached to the WSDL of the service provider:

This policy notifies the client that there is no acceptable policy configuration for the service. Other aspects of the WSDL are unaffected.

A service provider might not be able to share its policy configuration because the configuration cannot be expressed in the standard WS-PolicyAttachments format. One reason might be because multiple incompatible policies are defined for a particular attach point. Another reason might be because there is not enough binding information to generate the standard policy. Policy configuration might include bootstrap policy, for example, the policy to access a WS-Trust service, so the bootstrap policy must also be expressed in WS-PolicyAttachments format.

What to do next

Optionally, we can publish the WSDL files.



  • Web service providers and policy configuration sharing
  • WS-Policy
  • WS-MetadataExchange requests
  • WSDL
  • Use WS-Policy to exchange policies in a standard format
  • Configure security for a WS-MetadataExchange request
  • Deploy web services applications onto application servers
  • Configure the client policy to use a service provider policy by
  • Publishing WSDL files
  • View WSDL documents for service providers
  • Start the wsadmin scripting client
  • WS-Policy commands for the AdminTask object
  • setProviderPolicySharingInfo command