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Assembling a web services-enabled enterprise bean JAR file from a WSDL file

We can assemble a web services-enabled enterprise bean JAR file from a WSDL file with an assembly tool.

We can assemble Java-based web services modules with assembly tools provided with WebSphere Application Server.

We need the following artifacts to complete this task:

Assemble a web services-enabled enterprise bean JAR file from a WSDL file by following the actions in the steps for this task section.


  1. Start an assembly tool. Read about starting the assembly tool in the Rational Application Developer documentation.

  2. If we have not done so already, configure the assembly tool so that it works on Java EE modules. We need to make sure that the Java EE and Web categories are enabled. Read about configuring the assembly tool in the Rational Application Developer documentation.
  3. Migrate JAR files created with the Assembly Toolkit, Application Assembly Tool or a different tool to the Rational Application Developer assembly tool. To migrate files, import your JAR files to the assembly tool. Read about migrating code artifacts to an assembly tool in the Rational Application Developer documentation.

We have the artifacts required to web service-enable an EJB module for web services. The artifacts are added to the JAR file. Now we need to configure the deployment descriptors so that we can deploy the web service into the application server runtime environment.


The AddressBook.jar JAR file contains the following files after assembly. The files added in this task are in bold. These files include the WSDL file, the deployment descriptors, and the JAX-RPC mapping file.


What to do next

For JAX-RPC web services, configure the webservices.xml deployment descriptor . We configure the deployment descriptors for the web service so that WAS can process the incoming web services requests.


  • Development and assembly tools
  • Assembling a JAR file enabled for web services from an enterprise bean
  • Assembling web services applications
  • Assembling an enterprise bean JAR file into an EAR file
  • Configure the webservices.xml deployment descriptor for JAX-RPC web services
  • WSDL2Java command for JAX-RPC applications