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(ZOS) Configure the root certificate keyring

WebSphere Application Server provides the function to allow a WAS administrator to perform certificate management operations on System Authorization Facility (SAF) keyrings by utilizing the (Open Cryptographic Services Facility) OCSF Data library functions for SAF keyrings. This task configures the root certificate keyring.

We must enable support for writable keyrings using the profile management tool prior to generating the application server profiles. Writable keyring support is only configurable when running z/OS Release 1.9 or at z/OS Release 1.8 with APAR OA22287 - resource access control facility (RACF ) (or the APAR for our equivalent security product) and APAR OA22295 - SAF.

The root certificate authority (CA) certificate is used to sign other certificates for WAS. By default, during profile management, the default root keying (NodeDefaultRootStore or DmgrDefaultRootStore for a deployment manager), and the root CA certificate, are automatically configured. Alternatively, if migrating from a pervious WAS installation, we can set up the root keyring for a keystore object using the following steps.


  1. Create a keyring for the control region RACF ID for our sever. For example, if the server is running with a RACF user ID called CRRACFID, issue the following command:
    RACDCERT ADDRING(keyring_name.Root) ID(CRRACFID)
    CRRACFID is the RACF ID for the application server control region. keyring_name is the name of the z/OS keyring used by the servers in the cell.

  2. To create chained certificates with the root CA certificate, the keyring created in the step (1) must include the public/private key CA certificate generated for our WAS installation. To connect the certificate, we must complete the following step:

    Determine the label name of the root CA certificate for our installation and issue the following command:

    CRRACFID is the RACF ID for the application server control region. keyring_name is the name of the z/OS keyring used by the servers in the cell. rootcalabel is the root CA certificate

  3. Modify NodeDefaultRootStore (DmgrDefaultRootStore for deployment manager) to point to the keyring created in step (1).

    1. Click Security > SSL certificate and key management > Key stores and certificates

    2. Select Root Certificates Keystore under Keystore usages

    3. Select NodeDefaultRootStore ( or DmgrDefaultRootStore for deployment manager).

    4. Under General Properties

      1. Modify the Path

        CRRACFID is the RACF ID for the application server control region. keyring_name is the name of the z/OS keyring used by the servers in the cell.

      2. Change the type to JCERACFKS

      3. Enter the password, password.

    5. Click Apply.

After completing these steps, a new z/OS keyring is created containing the root CA certificate attached with the personal usage.

What to do next

Verify that the keystore was modified successfully.

  1. Under Additional Properties, on the keystore collection panel, click Personal Certificates.

  2. Verify that the certificate appears in the list.

Known error conditions

  • Create writable SAF keyrings
  • Enable writable SAF keyrings
  • Use writable SAF keyrings
  • z/OS Internet Library