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Tune messaging performance for the default messaging provider

To help optimize performance, we can set tuning properties that control the performance of message-driven beans and other messaging applications.

To optimize the performance of messaging with the default messaging provider, we can use the administrative console to set various parameters. We can also set these parameters using the wsadmin tool.

(ZOS) On z/OS, the performance of messaging applications is affected by the number of servants, which can vary dynamically, and the distribution of work between servants. For more information about configuring and managing the number of servants and the distribution of work between servants, see Tune the application serving environment.



  • (ZOS) Message-driven beans and tuning settings on z/OS
  • (ZOS) Tune message-driven bean processing on z/OS using IBM MQ as the messaging provider in ASF mode
  • Configure MDB throttling for the default messaging provider
  • Tune messaging performance with service integration
  • (ZOS) Workload classification file