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Add additional messaging engines to a cluster bus member

We can add extra messaging engines to a cluster bus member, for example to provide high availability or scalability in a cluster.

When we add a server or cluster as a member of a bus, at least one messaging engine is created automatically. Each server bus member has only one messaging engine. However, cluster bus members can support additional messaging engines.

We can add multiple messaging engines at the time we create the cluster bus member, or we can add extra messaging engines at a later time.

When we add an extra messaging engine to an existing cluster bus member, the flow of messages through existing messaging engines is not disrupted. Also, if dynamic reloading is enabled (by selecting the Configuration reload enabled property for the cluster bus member), the existing messaging engines do not have to be restarted to become aware of the new messaging engine.

For more information about configuring bus properties, see Configure bus properties.


  1. Add an extra messaging engine to an existing cluster bus member by completing one of the following steps:

    • Add one or more messaging engines when we create a new cluster bus member. Use messaging engine policy assistance, which guides you through the creation and configuration of the messaging engines. See Add a cluster as a member of a bus.

    • Add an extra messaging engine to an existing cluster bus member. Either use the administrative console as described in Add a messaging engine to a cluster, or use the createSIBEngine command.

  2. Optional: Enable dynamic reloading for the cluster bus member:

    1. In the administrative console, navigate to Servers -> Server Types -> WebSphere application servers -> server -> [Server messaging] SIB service.

    2. Select Configuration reload enabled.

    3. Click OK.

  3. Save changes to the master configuration.


  • Messaging engines
  • Dynamic reloading of configuration files
  • Add a messaging engine to a cluster
  • Configure bus properties
  • Add a cluster as a member of a bus
  • createSIBus command
  • Messaging engine troubleshooting tips