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Uninstall Liberty resources using the job manager

We can submit the Uninstall Liberty profile resources job to remove Liberty resources from one or more target hosts.

A Liberty resource must exist on one or more targets that are registered with the job manager. Start the job manager and ensure that the resource is not in use on the targets.

Your ID at the job manager must be authorized for the administrator role or the operator role to submit jobs.

When registering a target host with the job manager, we can save operating system security information. When submitting a job to one or more targets for which security information has not been saved, specify an authorized operating system user name and either password or public-private key information for the user name. The security credentials must be valid for all job targets.

Use the administrative console of the job manager or the deployment manager to uninstall a Liberty resource from one or more host targets. For each job, we can uninstall one liberty resource type:

From the console, choose the Uninstall Liberty profile resources job, specify resource and job options, review the summary, and submit the job.

Instead of using a console, we can run the uninstallLibertyProfileResources job script in the AdministrativeJobs command group. See the Administrative job types topic.


  1. From the navigation tree of the administrative console, click...

      Jobs > Submit

  2. Choose a job to uninstall a liberty resource.

    1. Select the Uninstall Liberty profile resources job type from the list.

    2. Optionally specify a description of the job.

    3. Click Next.

  3. Choose the job targets from which to remove the resource.

    1. Select a group of targets from the list, or select Target names.

      Only groups of targets that are valid for the job type that we selected are displayed in the list of target groups.

    2. If we selected Target names, then specify a target name and click Add, or click Find and specify the chosen targets on the Find targets page.

    3. If we did not choose to save security authentication information when registering the target hosts with the job manager, specify an operating system user name and password or public-private key information for access to the target hosts. The security credentials must be valid for all the job targets.

    4. Click Next.

  4. Specify parameters for the uninstall Liberty resources job.

    • Specify only one resource type. Do not specify a resource in more than one field on the Specify job parameters page.

    • We can specify a resource name or a resource ID. If a resource name resolves to more than one resource of the same name, the product returns an error and does not remove the resource.
    • If we specify to uninstall a server and the server is running, the product stops the server before removing the resource.

    • If we specify to uninstall a project or run time, the product searches all the servers for the project or runtime. For each identified server running, the product stops the server before attempting to remove the resource.

    1. Specify a resource name or a resource ID for one of the resource types.

      To see the names of existing liberty resources on the targets, click Find for the resource type on the Specify job parameters page. On the Find target resources page, click Find to find a resource identifier. Select the resource to remove.

      For example, suppose we want to uninstall the DefaultWebApplication.war application binary resource from the defaultServer server in the wlp runtime. For Application binary file to uninstall, specify the resource identifier:


    2. For Force deletion of resources, optionally specify whether to delete resources even if their status cannot be detected.

      The default is not to force deletion of resources. When the option is selected, server resources are deleted even if the status of the server resources cannot be detected or the servers cannot be stopped.

      If the status for a server cannot be detected, the Uninstall Liberty profile resources job fails unless Force deletion of resources is selected.

    3. Click Next.

  5. Schedule the job.

    The times and dates specified are relative to the job manager.

    1. Optionally specify one or more email addresses where notifications are sent when the job finishes.

      If we specify multiple email addresses, separate them with commas.

    2. Select when the job is available for submission.

    3. Select the job expiration.

    4. Optionally specify a recurring interval for the job, a start date and time for the interval, and an end date and time for the interval.

    5. Click Next.

  6. Review the summary, and click Finish to submit the job.

The targets run the job and attempt to remove the specified Liberty resource.

If the job fails, some of the associated files might remain, leaving the resource in a corrupt state. If we manually change resource files to fix the problem, after changing the files, run an Inventory job to update the inventory of target resources in the job manager.

What to do next

On the Job status page, click the ID of the Uninstall Liberty profile resources job and view the job status. Click the status refresh icon

to refresh the displayed status.

If the job is not successful, view any error messages that result from running the job, correct the error condition, and submit the job again.

If the job is successful, click Jobs > Target resources to verify that the liberty resource is no longer in the list of resources.

  • Set up a job manager environment
  • Restart the job manager
  • Restart the administrative agent
  • Restart the deployment manager
  • Restart a node
  • Checking job status
  • Install Liberty resources using the job manager
  • Administrative job types
  • Find targets
  • Find target resources
  • Target resources collection