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Register deployment managers with job managers

Use the deployment manager administrative console to register deployment managers

  1. Verify the deployment manager version number is not higher than the version number of any job manager with which we are registering.

  2. Click...

  3. On the Register with Job Manager page, specify the deployment manager node name, optionally specify other parameters such as a user name and password, and click OK.

    The value specified for Port depends upon whether we want to run jobs on the deployment manager from Jobs menu choices in the deployment manager console or a separate job manager console. The default is 9943, the default port for a job manager secure administrative console. Unless we want to use the Jobs choices in a separate secure job manager console, specify a different port number.

    • To use the Jobs choices in the deployment manager console, specify a secure or unsecure port number for the deployment manager console.

      For example, specify the port number that is currently shown in the URL for our browser, which is displaying the deployment manager administrative console. If the URL is http://myhost:9065/ibm/console/, then specify 9065.

    • To use the Jobs choices in a job manager console, specify a secure or unsecure port number for the job manager console.

      For example, if the URL for the job manager console is http://myhost:9961/ibm/console/, then specify 9961.

Use the wsadmin registerWithJobManager command to register deployment managers.

The command is in the ManagedNodeAgent command group.

  1. Open a command window on the bin directory of the deployment manager profile.

  2. Run the wsadmin command to start the wsadmin tool and, optionally, use the Jython language.

      wsadmin -lang jython

  3. Run the registerWithJobManager command to make the deployment manager a managed target node of the job manager.

      AdminTask.registerWithJobManager('[-host jobmgr_host -port console_port -managedNodeName dmgr_node]')

    jobmgr_host is the host name of the job manager. The default is localhost.

    console_port specifies the deployment manager administrative console port number or the job manager administrative console port number. The value specified for console_port depends upon whether we want to run jobs on deployment manager nodes from the job manager function available in a deployment manager or from a separate job manager.

    dmgr_node is the host name of the deployment manager. The host name typically is the node name.

    For example, to run jobs on deployment manager nodes from the job manager function available in a deployment manager, where the deployment manager console port is 9065 and the deployment manager node name is MyHostCellManager02, specify the following command:

      AdminTask.registerWithJobManager('[-host localhost -port 9065 -managedNodeName MyHostCellManager02]')

    To run jobs on deployment manager nodes from a job manager console, where the job manager console port is 9961 and the deployment manager node name is MyHostCellManager02, specify the following command:

      AdminTask.registerWithJobManager('[-host localhost -port 9961 -managedNodeName MyHostCellManager02]')

    For this example, the job manager profile is in the same installation as the deployment manager profile. Thus, the host value can be localhost.

    Alternatively, we can run the registerWithJobManager command in interactive mode:


If the command is successful, wsadmin displays the unique ID (UUID) of the job manager. For example:

See topic on registering targets with the job manager using scripting.

What to do next

Verify that the deployment manager target is registered with the job manager and that its federated nodes are listed among target resources.

If we specified a deployment manager console port to run jobs from a deployment manager console, click Jobs > Targets in the deployment manager console. If we specified a job manager console port to run jobs from a job manager console, click Jobs > Targets in the job manager console.

If the deployment manager registered successfully, the deployment manager node name is in the list of target names.

  • Set up a job manager environment
  • Restart the job manager
  • Registering nodes with the job manager
  • JobManagerNode .