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groups.props file

The following example illustrates the format for the groups.props file.

The sample provided is intended to familiarize you with this feature. Do not use this sample in an actual production environment.

# 5639-D57, 5630-A36, 5630-A37, 5724-D18 
# (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1997, 2005
# All Rights Reserved * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM #
# Format:
# name:gid:users:display name
# where name   = groupId of the group #       gid    = uniqueId of the group #       users  = list of all the userIds that the group contains
#       display name = a (optional) display name for the group.
admins:567:bob:Administrative group operators:678:jay,ted,dave:Operators group users:789:jay,jeff,vikas,bobby:

  • Select a registry or repository
  • users.props file