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ClientLauncher class

The class, com.ibm.websphere.client.installer.ClientLauncher, contains a main() method called by Java Web Start (JWS) to launch the client application. The Java Web Start client is used with platforms that support a web browser.

(iSeries) Java Web Start is not supported.

This client is packaged in the WebSphereClientLauncher.jar file located in the Application Client for WebSphere Application Server installation under the < app_client_root>/ lib/webstart directory.

The launcher class requires that the following properties are defined. These properties are not defined in a separate properties file. Instead, the properties are defined as part of the Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP) files.


If the client application is a Thin Application client, then this property should be specified. Class where the main entry point of the client application resides.


If the client application is a Java EE Application client, then this property should be specified. It specifies the name of the EAR file to be executed. This property takes precedence over com.ibm.websphere.client.launcher.main. However, only one of the two properties should be specified.

  • Downloading and running a Java EE client application using Java Web Start
  • Client application Java Network Launcher Protocol deployment descriptor file