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Basic Security Profile compliance tips

The Web Services Interoperability Organization (WS-I) Basic Security Profile (BSP) 1.0 promotes interoperability by providing clarifications and amplifications to a set of nonproprietary web services specifications. WebSphere Application Server Web Services Security provides configuration options to ensure that the BSP recommendations and security considerations can be enabled to ensure interoperability. The degree to which you follow these recommendations is then a measure of how well the application we are configuring complies with the Basic Security Profile (BSP).

Support for applications to comply to the Basic Security Profile (BSP) is new in WAS v9.0. For more information on the Basic Security Profile, see Web Services Interoperability Organization (WS-I) Basic Security Profile (BSP), Basic Security Profile Version 1.0.

Use either a predefined list of keywords or XPath expressions to comply to the BSP. Both the keywords and the XPath expressions are specified in the deployment descriptor configuration file and are configured using an assembly tool.

Basic Security Profile recommendations

Follow these recommendations to ensure that your configured applications are Basic Security Profile (BSP) compliant.

Configuration Options for BSP Compliance

You achieve BSP compliance when certain configuration choices are made. The assembly tool assists you in using appropriate choices when configuring the application by issuing warning messages. The following configuration descriptions comprise these warnings:

  • Security considerations for web services
  • http://www.ws-i.org/Profiles/BasicSecurityProfile-1.0.html