WAS v8.5 > Troubleshoot > Use basic or traditional message logs

View JVM logs

The JVM logs are written as plain text files. Use either of two techniques to view the JVM logs for an application server:

IBM recommends using the HPEL log and trace infrastructure. With HPEL, one views logs using the LogViewer command-line tool in PROFILE/bin.

  1. View the JVM logs from the dmgr console.

    1. Start the dmgr console.

    2. Click Troubleshooting > Logs and Trace in the console navigation tree. To view the logs for a particular server, click on the server name to select it, then click JVM Logs.

    3. Select the runtime tab.

    4. Click View corresponding to the log to view.

  2. View the JVM logs from the machine where they are stored.

    1. Go to the machine where the logs are stored.
    2. cd profile_root/logs/server_name directory and select SystemOut.log or SystemErr.log.
    3. Open the file in a text editor or drag and drop the file into an editing and viewing program.


Troubleshoot applications with HPEL


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