WAS v8.5 > Secure applications > Authenticate users > Use the JAAS programming model for web authentication > Develop custom login modules for a system login configuration for JAAS

Customize application login with JAAS

Use Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) to customize application logins.

  1. Develop programmatic logins with JAAS

    We can develop programmatic logins with JAAS, which represents WAS strategic API for authentication.

  2. Configure programmatic logins with JAAS

    A new JAAS login configuration can be added and modified using the dmgr console. The changes are saved in the cell-level security document and are available to all managed application servers.

  3. Customize an application login to perform an identity assertion using JAAS

    Using the JAAS login framework, we can create a JAAS login configuration that can be used to perform login to an identity assertion.

  4. Configure a server-side JAAS authentication and login configuration

    WebSphere Application Server supports plugging in a custom JAAS login module before or after the WAS system login module. However, WAS does not support the replacement of the WAS system login modules, used to create the WSCredential credential and WSPrincipal principal in the Subject. By using a custom login module, we can either make additional authentication decisions or add information to the Subject to make additional, potentially finer-grained, authorization decisions inside a Java EE application.


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